Chapter 18

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*At the race track*

Roc: ooooo i am so ready

DeJah: ikr! i bet i can beat all yall

Roc: i'll take that challenge

DeJah: anybody else?

Everybody: uuummm not really

Priya: *talking to prince* why didn't you tell me he was competative?!

Prince: why you ain't tell me DeJah was?!?!

Roc: i bet you $50

DeJah: $100

Roc: $250

DeJah: $350

Roc: $500!

DeJah: $1000

Priya and Prince: WOAAAH *steps between them* thats enough

Prince: its just a game

Priya: right

Roc: bae she think she can drive better than me!

Priya: first of all stop all that dang yellin

Prince: second, it doesn't even matter cause as soon as we leave aint none of this crap gon matter

DeJah: i guess......

Roc: me too

DeJah:............just as long as HE KNOW (GCO)


Priya and Prince: SHUT UP!

Roc and DeJah: ok dang

Race Track Owner(RTO): ok so we have the track shut down for you guys, are these ladies with you?

Prince: yes sir they are

RTO: alright, well you can choose any 8 cars you want, and just tell me when to start the cars

Ray: oh well you can start it now cause it's gon be a while before we star, im kinda hungry, yall got a consession stand?

RTO: yes we do, its right over there, everything is free for you except for the games inside, you need tokens

Prod: alright, thank you

RTO: no problem *turns on the cars and goes to his office*

Ray: so what we bout to do yall

Rashawn: well like roc said, im kinda hungry

DeJah Priya and Asia: truuue

Boys except roc: didn't we just eat?

Roc and Girls: THAT WAS HOURS AGO!

Prince Ray and Prod: dang ok

Roc: well i want pizza

DeJah: i want pizza and cheese fries

Priya: i want pizza and nachos

Asia: i want pizza and doritos

Roc and Girls: and OOOOOO A SLUSHIE!!!!

Prince: woooow

Ray: yall are

Prod: fat asl!!!

Roc and Girls: thats cool lol

*so everybody start eatin all they food and enjoryin they food, and when they get doen they too full to race so they go and play arcade games for like 30 minutes then head to the car*

Roc: ok so are we doin partners?

Priya: uuuuhhhh NAH i want my own car

DeJah and Prince: RED

Priya and Roc: BLUE

Rashawn and Ray: PINK

Asia and Prod: PURPLE

*so they get in the car and start*

*while driving*

Roc: 20 laps! and when you done, go in the station, loser has to buy everybody a slushie!

Everybody Else: COOL

*so they strat driving and first DeJah and Roc was ahead, then Prince and Priya decided to do some damage, so Priya and Pricne decided to team up and Roc and DeJah decided to team up as well, everybody else was just cruisin, so ultimately Roc and DeJah get into the station first, then Asia was the last to come in*

Asia: ion wana buy nobody nothin :(

Prod: it's cool babe i got it

Asia: thank you :)

Other Girls and Boys: -__- jus had to show off huh?

Prod: sorry dang, do yall want yall slushie or not?

Other Girls and Boys: forget you, ima buy my own!

Prod: thats cool! dang lol yall too much

*so they got they slushies and headed back to the hotels, by this time it was like 8, so they they decided to just chill in the hotel since the girls were leaving tommorow to head back to chicago*

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