--22-- For Billie

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Billie's POV:

I was at another one of his big parties that he threw every weekend except unlike the others, this one was themed. Masquerade themed to be exact. I honestly thought the masquerade thing was over done, but Liam said that it was the best idea. He was off tending to his guests while I sat on the couch in his room. I was told to wait for him in here; I didn't want to be apart of the party.

"He pays more attention to his party guests than the one he should be paying the most attention to; his girlfriend," I mumbled as I got up from the couch.

I walked over to the window that faced his backyard. The entire grounds of Liam's home was lit up like a big city. Everywhere I looked, there was a light shinning bright. I yanked the silk curtains closed and began to pace around the room.

"I could just go to bed," I thought, but all the noise from downstairs and outside would stop me from that.

So I decided that I would just leave. It's not like Liam would notice anyway. Pulling on my jacket, I threw open the bedroom door to only find Liam standing there.

"Billie? Are you going somewhere?" he asked.

"Actually, yes. Yes I am, Liam."

I pushed my way passed him and headed for the staircase.

"Well, where are you going?"

He was right behind me.

"Why should you care? Why do you all of a sudden care, Liam?"

He softly chuckled.

"You're my girlfriend, Billie..."

"Oh really? Am I really your girlfriend, Liam? Cause lately I feel like I'm nothing to you. Why do you throw these parties anyway, Liam? Am I not enough fun for you? Is that it?"

He quickly shook his head no.

"You are enough for me, Billie."

He reached out for me but I stepped away from him.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe, Liam."

I began to make my way down the stairs as he stayed at the top of the staircase.

"Wh-what does this mean for us?" he asked; I was only half way down the stairs now.

I stopped and turned around.

"You're a smart lad, Liam. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

I continued my way down the stairs and then I was gone.


A few weeks and a few more of Liam's parties had gone by. He tried calling me everyday of those few weeks to get me to come back to him, but I wouldn't answer. Liam needed to realize what it's like without me. I told my friends I was fine when they asked about my break up with Liam, but they knew I was lying straight to their faces. Of course they'd never admit that they knew, because I'd deny that I missed Liam. It was when one of my friends told me that Liam wasn't throwing a party one weekend that I decided to go check on him.

Walking up to his big home, I remembered all the memories Liam and I shared here; watching the stars in the front yard and skinny dipping in the pool in the backyard. After finding the extra key to his front door in the fake rock in the bushes, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Most of the lights in the house were on. I placed the key on the small table by the door then headed for the stairs.

Before I even took one step onto the stairs I heard Liam cry out, "Billie, I'm sorry!"

Placing my hand on the banister, I slowly made my way up the stairs.

I heard Liam cry out again, "Please take me back, Billie!"

When I had reached the top of the stairs I heard something else that wasn't Liam's voice; it was my own. I heard myself say, "I love you Liam," followed by me giggling. That's when I realized he was watching a home video he took of me just walking around his house.

"Why am I so stupid? I should have ran out after you, Billie," I heard Liam say after my voice on the video said, "You'll never lose me, Liam."

I was at his bedroom door now; it was partially open. Liam was laying on his bed and his room was a complete mess. I slowly pushed his door open just as he slowly sat up on his bed.

"Maybe it's for the best. Maybe losing Billie was a good thing..." he mumbled.

I decided that I should make my presence known.


He quickly turned around on his bed and his eyes widened.

"Billie? Is that really you?"

I slowly nodded and he got off his bed.


"You don't have to say anything, Liam. I shouldn't have walked out. I should have given you time to explain yourself instead of jumping to the conclusion that you didn't care about me..." Liam slowly made his way towards me, "It's just I felt like your parties were more--" but Liam's lips, as soft as they were, cut me off mid-sentence.

His hands were on my waist and I had placed my hands in his hair; gently tugging at it. He pulled me against his body to where there was no space between us. His lips never let mine as I tugged on his hair a little harder; only a soft moan passed his lips and into my mouth.

"Billie," he murmured against my lips.

"Yeah, Liam?"

"Does this mean you take me back?"

I softly laughed then looked into Liam's gorgeous brown eyes and slowly nodded. A huge smile spread across his lips.

"I promise, Billie. I promise that you will always come first. And that maybe I can stop throwing big parties. Because the only person I need to have a great time with is y-o-u."


Sorry for the long wait

(Not taking requests right now)

-Ari Horan-

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