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"The great demon dog, save all of there people and claim this land~"

"Why are you talking so loud? I'm right here?" Inuyasha said. "I'm part dog. My ear are bleeding."

The tutor sighs, "I'm sorry. I forgot."

"Why do you guys even says, demon?? Isn't that rude to say about my father?" Inuyasha pouted.

"I told you many time. But I will tell you again." The tutor says with Inuyasha intrigue with the same story again. "In the beginning of time, Spirits of the animals all live inside certain people. We call them, Demons. The people who are demons will live for a long time, like hundreds and hundreds of years long. But some of them are bad or can turn a person mad. The demon can used magic to make henchmen to fight for them or uses there magic to cause pain into other. But your father was different. Your father didn't do that and save all the weaker demon and the ordinary people. Therefore, he was crowned king. And he has been ruling for many many years."

"What happened to the other demons??" Inuyasha asked

"The world may never know." The tutor said. "Well time is up! You are free to go. Have a nice day, Your Majesty." And bowed

"Thanks, see ya around!!!" Inuyasha ran out to see the young, but wise priestess; Kikyo. "KIKYO!!" Inuyasha yells

Kikyo is the king Royal priestess and she is the best out of everyone in the whole kingdom, even though she is only 18 years old. The same age that Inuyasha looks. "Yes, Your Majesty"

"You don't have to call me that! We are friends." Inuyasha said

"However, if I am caught saying, Inuyasha. I will be kicked out of here. " Kikyo whispered as Inuyasha got closer.

"So what are you doing." Inuyasha asked

"Looking a medicinal plants. The king is coming down with a cold." Kikyo replied

"Really!? That never happens." Inuyasha says

"You are right." She looks up. "Go back inside, your majesty... Something is coming."

"What about you?" Inuyasha said

"This is part of the job." Kikyo smiles. She gets out her arrow and see the dark moving object jump over the place walls. She shots it down and it is done for. "This is the 5 demon spirit this week! They are all after me." Kikyo said

"Why?" Inuyasha said

"I thought you went back into the place??" Kikyo said

"I didn't want to leave you, so why?" Inuyasha said

".. Okay... Your dad in trust me with a the sacred jewel stone. It had power beyond comprehension!" Kikyo said.
"So lower demon are trying to get it because if it get power. But if they get it.. They could be as strong as your father."

"Cool! Well got to go! I have a meeting with Father and Sesshormaru! See you around! " Inuyasha ran off. 'That Jewel.. Can make me a full demon..'
Inuyasha runs in and make his way to his seat. Father is late and Sesshormaru is only with him. "hey." No response. "HEY!"

"I don't talk to half-demons." He snapped back

"Why you~" Inuyasha said before his father walks in

"Sorry I'm late. I was busy." He sat right in the middle of them, "I know you guys don't know this. But I'm sick. And I don't know what will happen. But I want both of you guys to rule."

"Father. You know I have no intention of ruling. I only mange trade and the army." Sesshormaru said

"Then Inuyasha, you will rule." Inuyasha smiles.

"I will not serve a half-demon!" Seashormaru said. "Human is running through his vain.."

"Then you will take control?" He said.

Sesshormaru got up and left.

"I guess, I might be king." Inuyasha said.

The meeting ended and Inuyasha ran to look for Kikyo. She was at the library and still look at medicine.

"Hey! Let's go have fun!" Inuyasha said.

"I'm busy! But tomorrow we can meet up and talk then."

"Okay! I just want to say something really quick!" He walked a few steps away. "I could be king!" And he ran off to his fighting class. After this workout he took a bath and got ready to see Kikyo.

The next day, he got up and walked to the garden. He looked at the tree and then saw an arrow coming from behind. "Kikyo~"

"You can never be the king! HALF-DEMON!?" Kikyo yelled.

Inuyasha and started tormenting the servants, if the didn't tell him where the jewel was. Finally someone said, it was at the temple. And he was off. The servers try fighting him but it was too late. He grab it. And ran off. Then he saw Kikyo.

"INUYASHA!!" She shot and arrow that made him sleep forever, until someone as strong as her spiritual power, can pull it out.

Kikyo was hurt. He asked a young servant there is they would burn the jewel with her body. And she died.

The kingdom search everywhere for a priest strong enough to save him. But none could. Soon later, The King died. Sesshormaru still refused to become king so his cousin was choice; Naraku.
He plunged the kingdom into its dark age.

50 years past and a reincarnation was finally born.


The Royal Ruling: InuyashaWhere stories live. Discover now