New Kingdom

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All the way to the west, is a kingdom of only ordinary people and priests. It was built when Naraku terror began. The Higurashi Family Ruled the land. Everything was peaceful but the Great Demon Kingdom stop trading with them so Princess Kagome was order to go negotiate trading ideas. She left and hoped that it wasn't going to be bad. It took 12 days to get there by horse. However 30 men came with her and only 10 made it to the kingdom. Demons attack them more then usually. It was very odd because it usually to anyone else who travel here.

When she walked in, she saw the garden. It was amazing and the tree in the middle was beautiful. Nothing compared to that tree. As she walked around it she saw a boy on it. 'He is 18 years of age and is of noble blood.. What was he doing on a tree?' She wonder then guards surrounded her.

"Who are!?" They yelled. But the captured her and tied her up.

"YOU DIDNT EVEN SAY SO I AM!?" She tries to free herself. "I'm Princess Kagome. A trading partner!" They brought her to the priestess, Kaeda.

"Demon! Show yourself!" She put holy water in her.

"I'm not a demon!! Where are my men!!" Kagome yelled.

"You aren't. Untie her!" She said. "Sorry about that. You look like the old priestess that lived here..."

"Really? Thanks?? I'm Princess Kagome and I must meet the King!" She said.

"He is asleep now. If you wake him, he will get mad." Kaeda

"Fine." She mumbled. Then a dark shape grabs her. "HELP!" She yells

Kaeda grabs a arrow and shoots and it moves away. Kagome runs and the servants that heard comes running to save them. Kagome run to the garden to see all her guards are dead.

"Noooo!" She yells and Inuyasha wakes up.

"I can hear her... The girl that put me here." Inuyasha said.

"HELP!!" The dark shapes makes it and follows her. She is trapped in the garden and see that they young man is awake. "HELP ME!"

"You are pathetic, Kikyo. Kill it! Just like you have done before." Inuyasha said

"Kikyo?? Who is that? AHH!!!" She was thrown to the ground.

"KIKYO! Just Kill it!" Inuyasha said. "Or die! It doesn't matter."

"HOW!? I'm not even Kikyo!!" She gets closer to him.

"YOU HAVE TO BE HER! You look, sound, and smel~" he smells her again. "You are right.. Kikyo was cuter. Much cuter." Inuyasha mumbled

"Why I NEVER!" The black creature smackers her into Inuyasha.

Kaeda finally makes it with soldiers. "INUAYASHA! You are awake." They fight the creature off for a while, but Kagome is still stuck on him.

"Pull the arrow out." Inuyasha said

"Why?" Kagome asked

"Just do it. And I can maybe save you." Inuyasha said.

Kagome nods and pulls it out

"NO!!" Kaeda yells

Inuyasha is freed and goes after the demon.

The demon grabs Kagome and takes out the jewel inside of her. "Was that.. Inside of me.." Kagome grabs it and the monster goes after her. Inuyasha kills it.

"Now. That's over. Hand over the Jewel. " Inuyasha said. He runs over an attacks her.

Kaeda says a chant and a magical beaded necklace goes around him. "Yell out a comment of submission!"

"Umm.. like what?" Kagome yells while running. She is too far to hear Kaeda.. "submission?? Don't kill me!"

Inuyasha laughs, "Just give me the Jewel. And then we can talk."

She makes it to the end of the place walls, "ummm.. Sit!"

Inuyasha falls to the ground. "What the he~"

"Sit! That is not a word, you should be saying." Kagame said

"Take this crap off of me! I am the Prince of this Kingdom! I am Prince Inuyasha." He says

"Oh CRAP!" Kagome said. "I am so sorry! I am Princess Kagome from the kingdom to the west. We have to discuss of trade."

"What? Kingdom to the west. That is just land. Tell me who you are??" Inuyasha said as he gets up.

Kaeda walks in, "It has been a while, Prince.. but we need to talk." She fills him in and talks about what has happen when he was put under the tree.

"So NARAKU IS KING! MY COUSIN?! WHY???" Inuyasha yells

"Sesshomura refused to take the thrown and you were stuck in a tree." Kaeda said

"It wasn't my fault." Inuyasha said. He gets up and starts walking into the place.

"Wait. You can't go in. The King will get mad." Kaeda says. "He is a ruthless king and will get you killed."

"I am the rightful Prince. So he can't do that." Inuyasha walks in.

"I will go with him. I can't stay here for long." Kagome says and chase Inuyasha. "Slow Down!"

Inuyasha stopped, "Sorry. But I work alone. So stop following me!" He started to run off.

Kagome runs after him, "You are such a child!" They both ended up running into the King's room.

"Naraku." Inuyasha says

"You are awake, cousin.. But it is King Naraku." He snaps back. "I need my sleep so leave before. I kick~" He see Kagome. "Who are you?"

"I am Princess Kagome." She replies

"Princess." He smirks.

Inuyasha puts his hand in front of her, "She is not part of this. I am the one who is taking. I am suppose to be the king."

"But you weren't here when your father died. I was! You are unfit. Half-demon." He laughs. "Leave this place. You are no longer a Princess. You are now a regular common folk. And if you don't leave right now. I will kill you." Inuyasha growls and the guards take him out. Kagome follows but Naraku stops her.

"I didn't say you leave." He grabs her face and looks at it.

"Hey! I am royal~" Naraku interrupts her

"I know. but I'm a demon that can kill you in a second." He looks at her face so more, 'She looks like Kikyo. But she died 50 years ago.. Who is this girl. But she isn't normal.. I sense that she has some sort of power...' He smiles, "Princess.. would you mind if we could have a date?"

Kagome gasp, 'If I say yes.. We can talk about the trade and the killing of my men.. but I have to leave soon.. Nothing will happen to me...' Kagome nods, "Sure. But I will need to room to stay and clothes."

Naraku agrees and the servants show her to her room.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. ^-^

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