Kagome Engagement??

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Kagome gets ready to go to bed. She makes her scared jewel into a necklace that she could take anywhere. The looking out the window, she see Inuyasha in a near by tree. She opens her window and yells from it. "Hey! Prince!"

He gets startled and falls off. "Ouch. Princess?? Why I ought?"

"What are you doing??" Kagome says

"I have no where to go so I'm waiting for the perfect time to steal the Jewel." Inuyasha says

"That is funny. Cause with one word.. I could stop you." Kagome says

Inuyasha flinch and goes back into the tree. "Okay. Whatever, so what's up?"

"Nothing. I fell bad so why don't you become one of my guards?" Kagome says

"Me?? A guy that wants you dead?? What game or trick is this? I wasn't born yesterday." Inuyasha Says

"You can live in a Place again, and you can have a place in Nobility, again. All you need to do is protect me." Kagome says

"Fine." Inuyasha says. "Night."

Kagome smiles. "Night."

The next morning, Kagome gets dressed to go out with Naraku. The
Servants called it a date. Kagome says it was business. Inuyasha called it a plan. But whatever it was Inuyasha followed and they were off.

Naraku took Kagome all across the kingdom and he explain the history. Kagome was fascinate but kept asking about the trade. Naraku avoid the Conversation whenever that topic came up. Kagome gets discourage and then they come to a park.

"This was an amazing day, Kiky~ I mean Kagome." Naraku says

"Yes but our kingdoms~" Kagome says

"Yes our Kingdoms! We should do this but I want to know you better." Naraku says looking for something in his pockets

"??? What do you mean? Our trading is now allowed again! And I wanted to talk about all my me~" Kagome was cut off.

"Will you marry me~" Naraku says

Kagome paused. 'I can't marry him. He is soo old! And I have so many things I need to do still.. I don't think of him like this but if I do this then my kingdom...' All of a sudden, a bird demon comes in from the sky and grabs Kagome's Necklace. Inuyasha from a the tree grabs Kagome and Chases after it.

"The demon is getting away!" Inuyasha says. He grabs a sword while running and then grabs a bow and arrow. "Shoot!" Inuyasha says

"I CANT! I never touched a weapon before!!" Kagome yells

"Kikyo was a master Archer!" Inuyasha says

"I'm not Kikyo!" Kagome says

"Once I left.. I went to go talk to Kaeda... She says that you are her reincarnation so that mean you should be a master Archer! Just like her so shoot." Inuyasha says

"Fine!" She gets ready to shoots, and she misses.

"OMG!! Kaeda must be wrong! You are nothing like her!" Inuyasha yells.

"I CAN DO IT! I might not be her but I can~" she gets ready to fire, "Shoot!" It hits the demon hand and the jewel breaks into pieces only 5 pieces. It looks like a light shows. Kagome sees a jewel shard fall into a nearby bush. And they both run to the bush. "It is broken..."

"YOU!! What!?!" Inuyasha yelled. "Why I ought~"

Naraku finds her with Inuyasha. "Hang-out with a half-demon." Naraku has a shard in his hand too. "No fear. I will kill him!" Naraku goes to attack him. "You had Kikyo and now stealing this one. This is why I will kill~"

"Stop! I can never marry a man like you. I came for one reason only to talk to the king and help my kingdom. I didn't want an engagement. With that said, Inuyasha is my body guard and I can't have someone like you kill another one of my men! I shall leave by the end of today." Kagome said

"Go ahead. And leave.. But you have no horses, men, or weapons. Only a half-demon. A princess like you will die in my country... But you can try." Naraku laughs. "Bye bye now." He walks back and disappears into the darkness and they both walk to the place and finds Kaeda.

They find her and she hides them from the guards. "It's.. Shattered.. The only way to fit it is to get all the pieces. Then the totally power will be reborn. But one shard can cause anyone to double their power." Kaeda says

"Wow.." Kagome says


"You can't. Kagome is the only one that can see it and sense the jewel." Kaeda says

"She can't even protect herself. She can't find the shards." Inuyasha says

"SO WHAT !? I can find anything if I try hard enough and believe! Plus we're would you look!!" Kagome says

"Idk. A lead! I was prince once.. Maybe I can get the people of the towns to help me." Inuyasha says

"You are funny. Every hates you and thinks of you as a threat. No one will help you." Kaeda says

"Well.. Then~" Inuyasha gets interrupted

"That settles it. We will look for the shards together but first I want to get to my kingdom and add more men into our group." Kagome says

Inuyasha sighs. "Fine! But we aren't going to your kingdom. We don't have time!"

Kagome yells back, "I'm the princess and I want to go back home!"

"And I couldn't care less. So NO!" Inuyasha says

"SIT BOY!!" Kagome makes her way out of the castle and grabs a bow and arrow. "I'm going home."

Inuyasha faces hits the ground. "Ouch... That stupid girl." He runs after her. 'We have a long way to go... And this is only day one...' Sigh. 'What did I get myself into.'

Hope you enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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