Chapter 7: The Date

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! I am so sorry for not updating sooner! I didn't know what to write! I hope you like this chapter! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Cat's POV:

I was wondering where Joey was taking me. It was probably somewhere SUPER romantic. I was a little upset about how Joey didn't want to tell people yet. But, I figured I shouldn't bring that up. It might spoil the date. It was a long drive so we talked and talked. I still couldn't believe that Joey Graceffa is MY boyfriend! I couldn't help smiling the whole ride, even if I was a little bummed. Just the thought that me and Joey were together made me smile! I started to see where we were going. He was taking me to Santa Monica Peer!

Joey: Well Cat. We're here!

Cat: Oh my gosh! I love going to the peer!

Joey: Yup! Maybe we could even go on the rides! But first, DINNER!

Cat: Where are we eating?

Joey: Bubba Gump!

Cat: Oh Joey! I love that place!

We walked toward the restaurant and went inside.

Joey: *talks to lady at the front of resoraunt* Reservation for Joey.

Lady: Right this way.

We followed the lady to the table. Joey pulled out the chair for me and pushed it in. He was so sweet!

Lady: Here are your menus!

Joey&Cat: Thank you!

Cat: This restaurant looks so fancy! I feel out of dress code.

Joey: You look perfect!

Cat: *smilies and starts lookin through menu* All of these look SO good! I can't choose!

Joey: The chicken looks really good.

Joey always gets chicken. It like he never tries anything else!

Cat: Why don't you eat anything else? Plus, this is a seafood place! Why don't we split the shrimp cocktale?

Joey: Maye. Ooh! How about the lobster?

Cat: Okay!

Lady: *walks over to their table* Are you two ready to order?

Joey: Yup! We would like the lobster.

Lady: Ok! Anything else?

Joey&Cat: No thanks.

Lady: Okay. One lobster oming right up! *walks away*

Cat: You sure the lobster won't be too expensive?

Joey: No!

Cat: You sure?

Joey: Positive! *smiles*

Cat: Okay..

Joey: Hey cat.

Cat: Yeah?

Joey: Please don't get mad, but I told sawyer and justine about us.

Cat: Really? Because I told Justine and Megan about us!

Joey: Good! But, I am still not ready to tell anyone else or any of the viewers!

Cat: Okay.

The lobster finally came. We ate and talked the whole night! It was amazing! Later we went to the rides. Most of them were closed but the only thing that was openwas the ferris wheel. We decided to get on it. Instead of looking at the view, we were making out. A lot! It was time to get off and we didn't even know it!

Man at the ferris wheel: Hey love birds! Get of he ferris wheel!

Cat: Sorry!

We walked out of the ferris wheel and got in the car. Joey drove me home and dropped me off. I was really tired and I just fell asleep. I forgot to change or take off my makeup!

*The next morning*

I finally woke up, it was 11:00 am. I had a missed call from megan. I did't feel like calling back. I got amd brushed my teeth and hair and put on some clothes. I went to my bed and got my phone. I wanted to ask Joey about telling people that we're dating.  


Joey:Good morning cat!

cat: Good morning Joey! Did I wake you?

joey: No. I woke up at 9:30.

Cat: Oh ok.

Joey: So whats up?

Cat: I was wondering if you could come over.

Joey: Umm why?

Cat: We need to talk...

Joey: Ok.. I'll be there in a little bit...

Cat: K. bye.

Joey: Bye...

Cat and Joey (Jatrific Fanfic) --COMPLETED--Where stories live. Discover now