⭐Day 1⭐

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It was 8 am
as Jungkook woke up to
a good scent of smell.
He didn't deny, it did smell pretty good but he couldn't tell what it
was but knew it was probably
Taehyung cooking something in the kitchen.

Jungkook sat up on his bed and stretched his arms before slipping off the bed,
but before he could do that
he'd seen the picture of his parents on his nightstand which
made him stare at it for quite too long.

. . .

His vision had suddenly gotten blurry as well as the sound had gotten muffled.
He blinked a few times trying to see things clearer but failed as it only gotten worse.
He gripped onto his head as it felt like it would explode any second. Jungkook groaned from the pain he was feeling from his head to the point he started to tear up because of it.

Jungkook stood up and gripped onto the nightstand as he slowly tried to make his way to the bathroom.
Each step he made, his head had gotten more painful.

His vision had gotten worse
that he even tripped over something on the floor which he couldn't tell what it was and fell to the ground with a loud groan coming from him once his face hit the cold floor.
He held his head with one hand while he tried with the other to push himself back up but it wasn't easy as he gotten dizzy. It felt like the whole room was spinning.

Jungkook slightly rolled around on the floor, gripping tightly onto his head from the massive pain, his vision gotten worse to the point everything went black.

A slap was suddenly heard,
as well as some yelling.
... What's going on?

Another slap followed by a second one
And a small kid screaming was heard.

"It's all your fault!"-
... What's my fault?

A slap was once again heard and of course the screaming of the little kid.

Jungkook looked around but all he could see was darkness and weird yet familiar voices.
He walked around with no clue where he's going as he couldn't see anything but every now and then he jumped as he heard the screaming and yelling.

Then he suddenly stopped in his tracks as his surrounding had gotten brighter and clearer to the point he could see things again but-
this wasn't Taehyung's house..
It was his house.

WhAT THe H e L L Is gOing oN?!?!?!

Jungkook was panicking, he looked around trying to find something just something that could explain why and how he ended up in his house, which he used to live before he was send to the orphanage.

As he was looking around to try to find something that could explain all this as he then heard foot steps getting closer, he right away darted over to hide behind the couch, back pressed up against the back of the couch.
His chest raised up and down quickly as his breathing gotten faster and the foot steps had gotten closer and closer.

Jungkook stayed still as if he was frozen, he felt scared as he didn't know who it was and didn't dared to peek over the couch to look who it was.
He curled up behind the couch yet jumped as he heard the yelling and a slap again which made him furrow his eyebrows as all that was happening seemed somewhat familiar.

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