The plan (short chapter)

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The plan was perfect, and really, none of this would have been possible without Jason. I knew there was a reason that guy was my best friend. And okay, okay, Percy helped a little too.
It all started when I finally told everyone why I was acting differently. All the girls of course thought it was romantic and were proud of me for finding someone, and the guys were excited too, but not as much. But Piper, being the daughter of Aphrodite (or Venus, but that doesn't matter.) found it very important to help me get back to her. She convinced Jason and Percy to talk to their fathers. There was a huge meeting and Zeus (Jupiter) decided it was time Calypso was set free. After all, she had been punished for 3000 years. And he said that the mortal world was almost a worse punishment. Kind of offensive. But Jason did amazing. He actually got Zeus to admit he was wrong, and that doesn't just happen everyday. That doesn't happen like, ever. Percy helped too, and Piper, or Pipers charmspeak. Which convinced Jason to do it. Now you see why I have the best friends in the world? And, hopefully, the best girlfriend. But I'm not sure. Maybe the kiss was only a little silly crush. And maybe it meant nothing to her. But, holy Hephaestus, it meant a lot to me. So did she. And it would only be two more days at the latest.

Sorry it's short. I just needed to explain the 'plan'.

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