Chapter 18 {{~Happy Day :) ~}}

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Pic of Ryan Sheckler who plays as Josh~! ------>>



I was standing in the bathroom watching the girl in the mirror with a neutral expression on her face. I wondered if her poker face would break. I gently touched the swollen eye that appeared black and blue.

It was hurting like hell; must be because I didn’t put ice on it.

I sighed and put some light make-up on. Maybe it would hide it a little; hopefully making it less blue and purple.

I heard little paws walking this way and a small smile tugged on my face.

I put the make-up away after seeing there was no helping the monster-like bruise. I just need to face my day. I can’t get any worse than it already is right?

I glanced down my leg as I felt two paws leaning against it.

I saw his little puppy eyes looking at me with worry. Can this dog really feel how I feel? Even I don’t understand myself sometimes. Like why am I still staying with my mom while she is treating me like garbage? I should move out and find a better life to live. I don’t deserve this...right?

I bended over wanting to stroke Benjy but a pain shot right up through my back making me wince. My body hasn’t healed yet from the damage received yesterday.

I tugged up my sleeves and examined my bruises that you could clearly see was all blue; and I wasn’t even talking about my stomach and my back yet.

"Sorry Ben. It’s kind of hard to bend since my body still hurts." I said giving him a wry smile.

He barked back in response and ran out of the bathroom.

Did he just ditch me? A small smile came back onto my face and I started to walk out of the bathroom too. I should get ready for school anyways.

I glanced at the direction of my mom’s door that was half open. I sighed; I wonder when she will come back.

Yeah, I still worry for that old hag. I don’t know why. Is this what you call a daughters love for her mother?

I had a feeling that she’s going stay away for a few days, since some of her clothes were missing and all the closets were open like someone broke in.

I made my way downstairs and was ready to make myself something to eat but it looked like the fridge got robbed; there was nothing in it except some empty bottles of mom's beer, or at least I think its beer.

I took my bag that I dumped in the corner of the living room. I glanced at the spot where I was lying yesterday when my mom raged at me.

There was some blood on the floor but not much.


I dragged my feet to the door forcing them to walk me to my hell.

Benjy and I did our routine again which never gets old.

With my head lowered I walked to my doom. I had all kinds of thoughts flying through my head, like: What people will think of me when they see me like this. Will Cameron leave me alone for this once after seeing how bad I’ve been beaten? Will Josh worry about me…?

I shook my head trying to get rid of that thought. I don’t feel anything for Josh anymore, he betrayed me and we are not friends anymore... but something inside me told me I couldn’t hate him. I have no idea what this feeling is…

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