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Jhene sat with Sean in the studio like they would most times they were spending time together. It was nice to finally have someone that understood that she wanted to be in the studio and make music. Her friends would occasionally come with her but easily got bored and wanted to leave and party and get wild bit she could do that anymore being that she was pregnant.

The week prior Sean met Jhene's family and they sat down and had a serious talk about what would happen when the baby was born. It both jhene and Sean really thinking, what were they going to? Sean wanted to definitely be in his child's life but he lived in Detroit and Jhené lived in LA. They still had so much to figure in such little time, the baby could arrive any minute.

"I could fly down every weekend or every other weekend. I'll probably be in LA a lot working on my mix tape and everything."

"I mean I guess that could work," Jhene said "but wouldn't that be a lot on you, flying back and forth so much?"

"Yeah but it's not like she could just hope on a plane and come to Detroit, there's no other option." Sean told her "and I'm her dad, you know I wanna be there is wanna be in her life."

Jhene nodded her head at Sean understanding what he was saying and it made her happy that he wanted to, she wanted her baby to grow up with two parents that loved her unconditionally

"Oh my god," Jhene said as she took Sean's hand "feel this,"

She placed his hand on her belly where their baby was kicking. Sean's eyes widened as he felt their little girls kicking on the palm of his hand.

"That's amazing." Sean whispered looking at jhené

Their little moment was interuppted by Sean's phone going off. Sean fished his phone out his pocket and answered it.

"Her Ashley,"

Jhené turned her attention back to what she was working on and tried not to listen to Sean's conversation with his girlfriend.

She'd remembered meeting her that one day, but that's it she's never met her and Sean's never talked to her about Ashley, we're they serious? We're in it for the long run?

She'll ask Sean about after, cuz if this girl was going to be in her daughters life she wanted to know her.

Jhene heard Sean end the call with Ashley and sigh.

"How is she?" Jhené asked


"That was Ashley right? Your girlfriend?"

"Oh uh...yeah, she's okay."

"Who'd she take it? You did tell her right?"

"Yeah, let's just say there was a lot of crying, which was expected."

"But you guys are good now?"

"We're trying to figure things out."

Jhené nodded her head dropping the subject, she didn't want to seem like a jealous baby mama who would try and stop him from seeing girls.

"But I understand where she's coming from, I would understand if she didn't want to be with me, understand." Sean told her "I mean I got pregnant, even if I didn't exactly cheat on her we were broken up for a while but when we were younger and would talk about our future together she would be the one to have my babies you know? I cheated her of that, I cheated her of the future we were planning on having together." Sean rambled on

"At least she didn't break off with you right away which means there a chance that she'll stay with you, but you can't fuck up anymore. Don't fuck up Sean." Jhene told him

"I'm going to try,"

Sean and Jhené packed up and got ready to leave since the studio time they paid for was now up.

"Wanna grab something to eat?"

Jhené held her stomach as she felt a shoot pain.

"Jhené,"Sean called over his shoulder when he didn't get a reply. Looking back Sean saw Jhené clutching her stomach and rushed to her aide. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" 

They both paused and looked at each other when they heard a woosh sound and water dripping on the floor

"I think my water just broke,"

They looked down and saw a poudle of water

"You...that's...uh... what..." Sean babbled, he didn't know what to do or say at the moment.

"Drive me to the hospital," Jhene said taking control of the situation.

Sean nodded his head and helped Jhene as they walked to the car and helped her in.

"I don't know where the hospital is." Sean realized when he put the key in the ignition and stated the car.

"Take a right, than when you get to the light take a left and that should get you to the freeway," Jhene told him

Sean did as he was told and followed the rest of the directions Jhene was giving him I between breathing though her contractions.

Parking the car, Sean rushed to help Jhené out the car and into the hospital.

Nurse came to their aide when they entered and got Jhene into a hospital gowned and and hooked up to machines to watch the baby's heart beat and jhene's vitals.

"I need my mom, I want my mom," Jhene kept repeating as she laid in the hospital bed, her eyes squeezed shut as another contraction came.

"I called her, and she's on her way she'll be here soon, just breath." Sean grabbed her hand in his to try and comfort her as much as he knew how

Jhené released the strong grip she had in Sean's hand wipped the sweat that dripped down her forehead

"I'm here, I'm here." Christina announced barging in the room and rushing to Jhene's side

Dr. Brown came in a while later to check how far along jhene was. She ended up being 8cm which was a perfect time to get an epidural by the time she read 10cm it would kick in but Jhene wanted to do a natural birth without any drugs or anything.

Jhene held Sean and he mothers hand trying to breath through the pain of a contraction everytime one came.

She was so close ti being able to start pushing, the nurses started setting up for the arrivle if tge baby. Sean and her mother were the only people she wanted in the room so the rest of the family members had to wait in the hospital waiting room, anxious.

"I have to use the bathroom," Jhene said as she felt the urge

"Perfect I think that means it's time to start pushing," Dr. Brown said walking into the room "let me just take a quick look"

Dr. Brown checked her cervix, and she was finally 10cm. Her mother stood on one side of her and Sean on the other older her legs with the help of some nurses.

"Alright Jhene, in the count of three i want to take a deep breath and push hard." Dr. Brown coached her, she nodded her head,"1...2...3"

Beads of sweat rolled down her face as she gave it all, she pushed through the excruciating pain of feeling like she was being physically torn apart, because at the end it was all worth it to here the first cry.

"Here is your beautiful baby girl"

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