Misunderstood (boyxboy)

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Hi, everyone! This is the first book I've ever written. Pls give me some tips if u don't like it n other tips on how to make it better if u do!

Before u start reading, I wanted u to know that is boyxboy, meaning gay. If u don't like these kinda stuff, pls do not read n don't giv mean comments.



Beep beep beep beep

I groaned. What does a guy need to do to get some sleep here?!

"Oh, for Christ's sake!" I threw up the covers and slammed my alarm clock to shut it off.

I sighed when I saw the time on my alarm clock. It was fucking 15 minutes early. Shit. I must've set it for the wrong time. Sigh. Whatever. Then it hit me, another day of hell. By hell, I meant school.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I threw on some random clothes and went downstairs without combing my hair. My hair falls exactly the way I want it to so I don't need to comb my hair.

I found a note on the dining table. It was from mom.

[Ash, I came back just now while you were asleep. Sorry I can't be home with you for 2 more weeks. I had an urgent call from work. I'm going to London to work now. I'm giving you money to buy things that you need. It's next to this note, pls use it well. Love mom.]

Mom won't be coming back for 2 weeks. Well, it doesn't make a difference to me. She's always travelling around the world earning a living, all for me. So that I can go to school and learn, hoping that next time when I grow up I'll be able to get a good job. But I just wanna have fun for now and not worry about these things.

I ate some honey stars while waiting for Allyson to come pick me up. Allyson's my best friend. She's the only friend I have in school. Everyone pretty much hates me. Who cares anyway?! I don't.

A honk told me that Allyson was here. I threw the bowl in the sink and headed out the front door. Allyson honked a few more times. I scowled, can't she just be patient?! I opened her car door and slid in the passenger seat.

"Hey, hot stuff." Allyson smirked at me. I sighed. Why did she have to be such a morning person? In my opinion, they should be shot down, not including Allyson though.

"Hey." I gave her a small smile.

She looked at me, then sighed. "You didn't comb your hair again this morning, did you?"

I shrugged. Why should I? It's the way I wanted it to be. I'm small and petite with slightly pale skin. My light brown hair falls perfectly over beautiful hazel eyes. To me, I'm perfect.

Allyson gave me a stern look. She handed me a comb. "Comb your hair now, your hair looks really messy." she demanded. I slumped my shoulders in defeat. If there's one thing I've learned, never cross Allyson. Do not be on Allyson's bad side because, trust me, if you are then you're done for. She will hunt you down until you're dead.

I took the comb from her hand and ran it down my silky hair. Ugh, I sound like a girl. But hey, my hair is rather silky. I don't do much sports so I don't sweat much. Or rather, my body can't handle much sports.

After tidying up my messy hair, that I thought looked perfect, I looked out the window to see that we had already reached school. I mentally prepared myself for hell hole called school. Ally looked at me.

"Hurry up!" she stomped her foot.

"But I don't wanna go to school! Can't we..?" I gave her my puppy dog eyes, hoping that we could skip school.

Allyson looked away at me and scoffed. "Don't give me that look, Ash. We still have to go to school!"

"Yea, yea" I grumbled. Alice wants to keep a perfect school record, so I haven't missed school even once this year.

I got out of the car with Allyson and walked through the door. As soon as everyone saw me, the whispering started. I looked at Allyson, who shrugged.

I held my nose high and walked down the hallway to my locker, ignoring the painful stares all around me. As soon as I reached my locker, I put all my books in it except the ones I'll be using before lunch. I didn't want to be around all these people.

I looked at Allyson as she walked to her first class. She has history while I have maths. We only have a few classes together.

I sighed and walked towards my classroom. Suddenly, I got pushed violently to the floor.

I looked up to see Trent and his gang of popular kids "Oops. Sorry, I didn't see you there, twerp. I guess you're just not worth looking at." Trent sneered at me while his friends laughed.

I scowled him and went to class. It's always like this. The popular kids pick on me because I'm small and other kids don't want to become friends with me because they're scared that they'll get picked on too, so I don't have any other friends. But I'm really grateful for Ally, she's the only thing that makes me happy.

I arrived at class and put my things on a desk behind the class. I always sit alone, because everyone either hates me or is scared of me. I always snap at people who comes too near me, and I wonder why I've got no friends. Ha ha. What a joke.

Mr Anderson, my maths teacher came in. Everyone becomes very quiet when he does, because no one wants to get detention.

Mr Anderson didn't sit down like he normally does. He cleared his throat and announced "Class, we have a new student joining us today please treat him well."

Then, the most handsome, beautiful and hottest boy I've ever seen in my life walks through the door.


So, how was it? Pls comment and vote.

I'm just an amateur, don't be so hard on me! >.<

Haru out

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