Chapter 4

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Hi this is the 4th chapter. This might be kinda short, I guess.


My heart felt light as I sat at the passenger seat of Ally's car. We were going to school. The weekend passed by in a blink of an eye. Heath, Lissa and Nicky decided to stay over my house for the weekend. I can't think of other times where I've felt this happy, except the time where Ally gave me an iPod for my birthday.

We arrived at school and Ally parked her car in the parking lot. When I got out of the car, I saw Heath, Nicky and Lissa gathered at the front of the door. I bounded over to them.

Nicky spotted me and smirked. "Well, I see someone is rather happy today."

I looked at them with innocent eyes and asked "Who's happy?"

Heath grabbed and pulled me into a bear hug. "You are, knucklehead!"

"Heath... can't... breathe... STOP!" I gasped as he finally let me go.

I sucked in a big breath and scowled at Heath. He chuckled.

I really loved the sound of his laugh. He sounded so carefree, like he didn't have any worries. Ugh, I gotta stop thinking these stuff. I know I like him, but I neede to se-

"Earth to Ash!" Nicky snapped her fingers in front of me.

I blinked. "Huh?"

Lissa and Heath started laughing while Ally and Nicky just looked pissed off. Damn, I spaced out.

"What were you saying again?" I asked politely, not wanting to get smacked by Ally. She does that sometimes. It really hurts when she does that, not because I'm small or anything. Even someone like Trent would feel pain if she hits him like she hits me.

"If you were listensing to me, you'd have known that I was just asking you to get inside before I kick your ass!" Ally snapped and pulled me inside the school. Heath and Nicky followed her, Lissa had to go see the teacher for some help. She had some problems with homework, that's Lissa for you. I sound as if I've known her for years. Ha ha

I stumbled forward as Ally let go my hand. The school was crowded as usual. I walked to my locker as Ally went straight to her class. She wanted to sit in front and she couldn't if she was late.

After putting my things in the locker, I headed towards Heath's locker where Nicky was talking to him.

"Hey, so Heath you're in the same classes with me. How about you, Nicky?" I asked them.

"Oh, I have a few classes with you. I have maths now so let's go!" Nicky marched towards math class with me and Heath in tow. We went to the back of the class and sat down there. A few people gave us weird stares, but others just smiled.

Mr Anderson came in and started the lesson. I zoned out almost instantly, letting Heath and Nicky take the notes. I'll copy it from them when I have the time. The bell finally rang, we left Nicky and headed towards the next class.

I zoned out in all the lessons, it was so boring. I'll still be able to get good marks even though I don't pay attention in class, and that always makes Ally pissed off. She always has to pay attention in class to be able to get good marks, while I just zone out. Whoo! I'm awesome.

Lunch finally came and we went to the cafeteria to get food. After that, I sat down on a table with Ally and the guys.

Nicky's eyes bulged when she saw the tray of food I was carrying. "Are you crazy? You're so small, yet you're able to eat so much! Where does all the food go to?!" she shrieked.

I shrugged and took a bite of a cookie I was holding. Yum! It was good. I licked my lips and started stuffing myself with all different types of food that I liked.

Ally snickered. "He's been eating like that ever since he could eat."

I ignored her and continued stuffing my face. I didn't even know what I was eating. All I knew was that I was hungry and that I had to eat. Suddenly a hand shot out and knocked my tray of food to the ground. What the hell?! Every head in the cafeteria was turned towards me.

After I got over my shock, I looked up to see none other than Trent standing there with an evil smirk on his face. He doesn't turn up for a week and when he does, he goes and do this!?  I was so angry that I took a step towards him without thinking. Nobody messes with me and my food, not even Trent. I must've had a really scary expression on my face because Trent took a step back and I saw fear in his eyes. Yay me!!!

Then suddenly a hand shot out from behind me and punched Trent in the face. I looked behind me and saw a trembling Heath with a pissed off look on his face. Oh, so Trent wasn't scared of me, he was scared of Heath. Too bad.

Trent stumbled for a minute, then got a hold of himself again. He looked enraged.

"Why are you hanging out with a loser?! Can't you see that Ashton Grey is just a fucking loser?!" Trent shouted in anger.

Heath looked like he was trying to calm his anger down. Nicky and Ally looked super pissed off and Lissa was shaking in fear.

"Say that again, you ass hole?" Nicky grinned the most demonic grin I've ever seen in my life, like she was daring him to do it.

Trent smirked. "Ashton Grey is a fucking loser and he doesn't deserve friends. He should just rot away and-"

Trent didn't get to finish his sentence. Ally lunged forward and hit him square on the face. Trent reeled over in shock.

The crowd in the cafeteria started chanting. "Fight fight fight!"

Ally looked around and smiled, she was enjoying the attention. She was so into it that she didn't realize Trent was coming towards her until it was too late. She flew back when Trent punched her with all his might.

Nicky screamed in rage. "You fucking son of a-"

"Never, ever , ever hit a girl or anyone else for that matter in front of me!!!" Heath was trembling in rage, his nostrils flared.

Trent started to move back, but suddenly Ally lunged towards him with a battle cry.

All hell broke lose after that. Ally climbed on top of Trent and started to hit him with random things she could find on the tables. Nicky screamed and bit hard on Trent's arm, he roared and threw Nicky towards a few chairs. Heath stormed over to to him and punched him in anywhere he could punch, that is Trent's face and gut. The crowd was edging us on by chanting ours names.

I tried to help them fight Trent but Heath pushed me out of the way. I tried to stop them, resulting in Ally screaming in my ear, telling me to go boil my head. So, I just headed over to Nicky who was still sprawled on the chairs.

"Here, let me help you." I knelt down and tried to help.

Nicky glared at me and muttered a few cuss words. I sighed. Well, I've tried to do everything I could. So, I just went to a random chair and sat down, waiting for them to cool down.

Suddenly, a boy who looked a few years younger than me shouted. "Ms Nelson's heading here!"

The whole cafeteria went quiet. Now, you're probably wondering who the hell is Ms Nelson, right? Don't deny it!!! Well, Ms Nelson's the principle and usually she's very nice but when she's angry, it's like dealing with an angry bull.

The crowd scattered. Leaving only me, a really hot and red faced Heath, Trent who was covered in cuts and bruises, Ally who was still on top of Trent and Lissa who was in hysterics.

The doors to the cafeteria opened and Ms Nelson came in. She took on look at us and her whole face was red with anger. "All of you in my office at once!" she ordered.


Well, it's Christmas time so don't blame me if I don't update this story in a while. I also need to think things through on how to proceed. When should Ash and Heath start dating? If it's in the 6th chapter, would it be too early? Pls comment and tell me.

I know this doesn't really look like a boyxboy story but trust me it will be very soon, I'm just not good at writing. But i believe that practice makes perfect, so I'll keep writing until I get it right.

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