Chapter 1~Day 1; Part 2~

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Since there were no planned events for the day. Matty, George, Ellie and I decided that we would explore the camp grounds a little more. Adam and Ross said they were really tired from the journey here, so stayed in the dorm. Before we left I fixed my hair a little, by clipping my overgrown fringe back into place, and then did the laces on my DM's.

"Hey, I like your shoes!" Matty said, half sarcastically seen as we were basically wearing the same, his obviously being bigger, since I was only a size 4.
"Eh, yours aren't so bad either" I replied jokingly. I really wanted to try and make an effort with people in my dorm, as they all seemed like nice people. I wasn't so sure on Ellie yet. I mean we had talked a couple of times but I wasn't sure. I usually got on better with boys anyway.

None of us really had any idea of where exactly we were going, but the hill we were currently climbing was so steep, it made me so out of breath, which made me recognise how unfit I really was. Matty somewhat chased my up the hill, after stopping and complaining that he twisted his ankle, but he laughed it off.

The view was nice when we arrived at the top of the hill. We could see a lot of the camp, and the lake which I had noticed previously through our dorm window. It was nice up here, and there was something really calming about being so far away from everyone, just the four of us. Sitting in silence. Admiring the view. Matty tapped me on the shoulder, and handed me a cigarette, he then threw another two over to Ellie and George who were a little further away from Matty and I, and appeared to be having a nice time. Ellie rejected the cigarette, but ended up having a few drags of George's anyway. Matty and I again said quietly, as we smoked, still looking at what was around us.

"How is it even possible to make smoking look elegant?" he asked, I turned to him furrowing my brows, as I was unsure if he was saying that about me, or asking a general question.

"I've never seen someone smoke like you before" he continued, "It's nice to look at, it's calming." I laughed a little, nervously. "Thanks, I guess".

Matty and I continued talking quite a lot whilst we were sitting on the hill. We spoke about where we lived, and school, and our family and friends. He seemed really quite a cool guy from what he was telling me. "Now your turn" he said, gesturing towards me as a way to get me to talk.

"My name is Chloe Marie Collins, I'm 17, and I live in Birmingham. My parents are still together, how, I don't quite know, as they never really see much of eachother, but I'm lucky. My school is okay, I don't really go much, and do a lot of my work from home, perk of being in sixth form. And as for friends, I don't really have many, I haven't really been fond of telling people everything about myself, I'm fear that one day we'll fall out and they will tell everyone every single embarrassing thing about me." I replied.

"I hope we could be friends" said Matty, "You seem really nice, and cool, and I promise if we ever fall out I won't tell a soul about anything that you ever tell me" he added.

"I'll think about it" I replied jokingly, I think Matty knew it was a joke too, as we both laughed, and talked some more.

After a few hours of sitting on the hill we decided to head back as we had already missed dinner and hoped that Ross and Adam had bought something back for us. They did, and we were so grateful. The food was okay, kind of bland, but what could you really expect from a place like this. We all ate all our food, and talked some more, before we decided to call it a night as we had an activity tomorrow.

"Chlo, Chlo" I heard someone whisper. It was Matty and he was standing on the stairs of the bunk, which he had the bottom of.

"What time is it?" I asked
"Half 4" Matty replied, which earned a groan from me, as I loved my sleep. "I really need to smoke" he continued "come with me? I'm scared I'll get lost" I nodded sleepily, and proceeded to get my shoes on and headed out with Matty.

The early morning air was cold. And as we sat, legs edging over the lake, the cold breeze seemed to get to me even more, and I began to shiver a lot.

"Cold?" Matty asked
"A little". He then took of his hoodie with to be honest looked really comfortable, and placed it over my shoulders.
"You're going to be cold now!" I protested, to which he replied "I've made you come with me to smoke, so I'll keep you warm" he replied, with a smile. I smiled back as he handed me the cigarette, and I began to take a drag. It was nice. The first smoke of the day was always nice, but it was even better being here, now, with Matty. Something about his presence already made me feel safe, and protected. I liked that.

After a while, and 3 fags between us, we decided that it was probably best for us to head back to the dorm, and when we did we were greeted by George and Ellie sharing a bunk. It was George's bunk, and Ellie was sleeping at the front of it, furthest away form the wall, spooning George. It was cute.

"Could be us you know?" Matty said, noticing that I was staring a little.

"Maybe for a little while, just until we warm up?" I replied in whisper form again.

"Just until we warm up" he clarified.

I got into Matty's bunk with him where we cuddled for a while, it was nice, being held and being warm. I noticed that Matty had a couple of tattoos, that I couldn't quite make out in the dark, I'd have to look at them soon, I was intrigued.

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