Chapter two: New Day

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I open my eyes i and the first  i see at bright lights and i can feel hard thing under me. Oh my gosh I'm on a bed in a hospital how did I get here? Who brought me here? I was supposed to go see Annabelle. What happened to me? All this questions ran in my mind in Just then the door swings open to reveal a lady who must be in her early sixties but she looks amazing nonetheless, might i add that I think she has aged gracefully.
"You are awake? Finally, do you want to talk about it". She says as she walks and sits on the chair next to my bed,
" i know you don't know me and you have like thousands of unanswered questions and I'm here for you i know you have been through allot and believe or not I can relate so if you want to tell me anything, and I don't mean anything at all in here for you. The lady continued "and by the way I'm Elizabeth Drew" she said.
"Elisa Wright" i responded without hesitation i really didn't know what to thing everything that has happened to me, the past five months i don't even wish it on my worst enemy.

"Please leave me, i swear i won't come back, i swear i won't even even say anything, please" everything seems so real it's as if i was back there and those people where there and no matter i did I could not escape.
"wake up Lisa, you are here now and no one is going to harm you here." hearing that was all I needed even though it was not it still managed to calm my nerves.
"Are you alright?" Ms Drew asked handing me a glass of water, with a worried expression on her face.
" What happened to you there dear, i know you said you will tell me when you are ready but you keep having this nightmares and I think you need professional help"she added as she took the cup from my hands and sitting herself on the bed next to me.
"I'm going to be fine you don't have to worry about me and besides I'm not keen on talking to a stranger about my problems" i replied to Ms Drew who now had my head on her lap and was stroking my black hair so i could go back to sleep and it was working. I was slowly drifting off to sleep again. That's the thing about ms Drew she had this thing I don't know, call it motherly intuition if you will
" You can tell me" she added
"i will" i said feeling drowsy and worn out.
Before i drifted off to sleep I heard something like "what did they do to you"
The morning sun hit my eyes like a slap in the face the moment I opened them. It's no surprise I woke up to the the sun shining in my room every morning because of how it was build. Ms Drew said the house was build a long time ago and that time technology or architecture was not at its best. The window faced the side where sun would rise and it was a pretty big window so it was hard to avoid the morning sun. I immediately set off the alarm before taking a few things and going to the shower. After I finished I went downstairs and sat on the small table right across Ms Drew.
"Good morning" I said as I took the food and started putting some on a plate for myself.
"Good morning" said Ms Drew who was looking at me now.
"You know it's not good to deal with problems alone if there are people who want to help you" she bluntly stated. She was a very honest lady but she would never push you to anything you don't want.
"I really don't mean to shut you out, it's just that I don't want to talk about the horrible things I experienced on the streets or even remember them. It's already hard enough that every time I close my eyes everything replays itself."
I shifted in my sit and continued. "Everyday I look forward to waking up and just keep myself busy so that my mind wont drift back to that place" I was now getting emotional because this was a very touchy subject to discuss.
"Sometimes you have to face your fears in order to overcome them and show the people you are strong and you won't run away everytime something that you can't control or handle happens".
That sounded very cliché because I ran from home when times were bad. "I have go now I have will see you later" I said while standing up and putting my plate in sink. All I really want wanted to do was end the conversation i hated reliving my past.
"See you later and have a nice day Lisa" I heard Ms Drew call out before I left. I closed the door behind me and started walking as fast as I could because I was running late.
1.Chapter two everybody *stands up and gives a standing ovation*hahaha
2. Vote / Comment I'm seriously fine with either one you choose.
3. Your hidden talent.

Not allot of people know this but I can draw, I'm not great at it but I do it to relax. Anyway the things I draw don't come out bad.
4. Don't judge Elisa before you get to know her or anyone else for that matter because you don't know what they have been through.
*Au Revoir*
*Till we meet again*

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