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Authors note: I'm sorry. I just give up on this. I have no ideas for this and it sucks. This is probably the worst story I have ever written. Warning: Gore

3rd POV

Asami lay there on her bed, thinking about how it could have been with Subaru. The white haired vampire, who stole her heart, was gone forever. She put her hands over her face and sighed deeply.

Why, Why did he leave me here...alone, Asami sulked. And heartbroken.

The red haired beauty was finally broken. She gave up trying to eat, drink, sleep, whatever. She gave up hope to live. There was a knock on the door. Asami didn't move a millimeter. She knew who it was. Who it always was since Subaru left a few days ago. Since that fight. Since the confession. Since the last time she smiled.

"Asami, open the door," Reiji said menacingly. "Or I will break it down."

She didn't move. Before she went to her room, she had blocked every possible entry so that no one, not even a vampire, could get through. Asami had never left her room since Subaru's departure.

"You're overreacting, you stupid girl," Reiji stated simply.

Then, Asami balled her fists up and screamed at the door, "IT WAS YOUR FAULT HE LEFT! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU IN A THOUSAND YEARS! I LOVE HIM! MORE THAN I DID FOR YOU!"

Suddenly, Reiji burst into the room. He glared a glare that combined Erza's, Kyoya's, Mori's, Honey's, and Ciel's together at the same time and directed it at the girl. Asami glared back a thousand times worse than his.

Reiji forcefully grabbed Asami's arm and dragged her out of the room unwillingly. The red head tried to bite his arm off but to no avail. Although, Reiji did have bite marks on his arm. Asami did not notice when Reiji stopped until he let go of her.

Asami rubbed her forearm but continued to glare at the black and grey haired vampire. She turned only to see Ayato's head torn from it body and on the floor. Blood seeped through it. She gasped in horror and stepped back...right onto his lifeless body.

Asami felt something drip onto her head. She felt it and slowly moved her hand down her face. She turned to look up at Laito's body dripping a red substance on her face. He was on the chandelier with slits all over his body. She shivered and turned around to see Kanato...burning in the fireplace...with Teddy.

The red headed creature faced Reiji, whom was happily sucking on Yui's blood so much that she went even paler. It looked like she haven't even moved. There were bite marks all over her body with blood dripping from each. The blonde's hair was soaked in blood. Her clothes were torn. Despite all that, Reiji was smiling. A sadistic smile at his brothers and Yui's fully dead bodies. There was one more brother...Shu.

Asami gaped at Shu, whom was sleeping on the couch. She sprinted to Shu and shook him.

"Wake up, you b@$***d!" Asami scolded.

"I'm afraid that won't work," Reiji said calmly. "I poisoned him with my never ending sleep potion."

Reiji walked up to Asami. She walked backwards. This continued until her back hit the solid, cold wall. The only alive vampire in the household pinned the red head down.

"You are mine. And only mine now," Reiji growled. "My Queen. You will marry me."

"No," Asami snarled at him.

"You don't have a choice," Reiji smirked, making small kisses, and soon, sucked on her neck(not like a vampire suck, a real suck). Asami tried to not moan. He planted kisses on her neck, collarbone, shoulder, and lastly, the lips. He stopped there and pushed up his glasses. He let go of her wrists.

"Now clean this up. Eat them and come to my room after you are done," Reiji ordered. "Or you'll be punished."

The red head glared but followed his directions.

I will forever be a slave to him. There's no use. I gave up a long time ago, he left me...to die. To rot in this place. Asami thought bitterly. Subaru...

Somewhere far away...

Subaru walked into Karlheinz's office.
"Father, I have done what you said. I left the Sakamaki mansion for good."

Karlheinz smiled in delight.
"Oh wonderful! My dearest apologies Subaru, I'm sorry you had to leave your love," Karlheinz stated bluntly as if he wasn't really sorry.

Subaru scoffed and replied, "How could I ever love that...that...thing."
Subaru was obviously disgusted.


Subaru stood there, waiting. For a solid five minutes, he stood there. He finally asked the vampire king, "I expect payment for my deed."

Karlheinz sat at his desk, staring at Subaru. His face scrunched up. Then, he finally realized it. He looked back at his son.

"Ah, yes of course. Your mother will be waiting in the living room. She was never dead after all. Thank you for serving me."

Subaru turned on his heel and left for good with his mother.

A mysterious lady entered Karlheinz's study. She walked up to Karlheinz with a perfect posture.

Karlheinz smirked and said, "I'm so proud of my daughter, Asami Misora. Thank you Aiza Misora for teaching her. The first cannibal vampire."

Aiza bowed to him and replied, "Master, I will forever be in debt to you."

With that, the woman walked out of there with no expression on her face.


"R-Reiji, dear," Asami said flustered.

"Yes, my sweet little angel?" Reiji replied sickly sweet. He had a smile for once in his face. It was a little dusted red on his cheeks.

"H-how long are y-you going to put it in here then, out again?" His wife asked nervously.

"Shh, it takes a little time, sweetie, until the 'deed' is done," Reiji stated.

Honestly, his wife was getting sick of it. How long was he putting it in there? The pale vampire attacked her lips. It was a smooth, passionate kiss. She kissed back rougher with a little tongue. Soon, Asami had to push him away for air.

"The potion is making this room hotter every second. Do you really have to put it in our room everyday? It's making me so hot," She fanned herself.

"It's almost ready, DEAR!" Reiji almost lost control of himself. He sighed in content. He stared into her eyes as she shook. "I'm sorry."

Asami was surprised to hear this from him. She smirked a little and pursed her lips to keep from showing it.

Reiji hugged her while stroking her hair. For the rest of the night, Asami slept elsewhere because the potion was starting to smell.


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