Hell hole

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Tonight was yet another night of my father screaming and shouting in my face along with the beatings leaving me black and blue, he always came too close, the reason for my claustrophobia.
His breath reaked of alcohol.
The same old nasty comments were being thrown at me:

'you were a mistake'

'you killed your mother'

'run away'

'go overdose' ...

The one about my mother gets to me the most, i don't like to talk about it-well thats a lie, i really want to talk about it, but i have no one to talk to, or anyone that i trust..

I guess i've grown used to the comments over this past year but at the same time they seem to hurt me a little more each time, each comment had a bruise to go with it;
He told me to fall asleep and never wake up followed by a whack to the face.

No one knew about my homelife, that i selfharm, get beaten everynight, or i work 3 jobs at the age of 16..

The only reason he beat me and did not love me was purely because i was a mistake, my mother and father both told me many times, my father more - obviously...
Apparently i am too much to handle? I never eat. I never leave my room. I don't want money. I have no friends. How am i too much to handle?!

After the harsh beaten i'd taken, my father went back into the living room and carried on drinking his beers and spirits; he drinks about 16 cans a night possibly in the space of two/three hours...he's an alcoholic. You would probably be able to tell if you saw my house; we lived in Ohio, the shabby side, the house stinks of alcohol and isn't really appropriate to live in. When my mum was alive we were going to redo the house, all nice, make people actually want to come over but our plans failed, its only a one bedroom cottage, i live in the box room and my dad sleeps in the actual bedroom, even though my dad never sleeps in his bedroom because he always drinks his beer in the living room then falls asleep in the there...the quality of my house is very poor. Its lucky i have no friends to show this hell hole to...


Wow my first chapter was brutal, sorry!

It was also short, god in bad at this! I hope you like it, i like fanfics with a sad past or beatings and that in because it makes it more attachable, idk.

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