More than lines

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It's July 31st!!! We all know what that means :).

I have a long chapter here for you guys, I hope you enjoy it, and that you'll leave me lots of reviews to let me know what you think. Any feedback is good. I want to know what you guys like and what you don't like.



With a dejected sigh, Harry slowly made his way to the desk in front of him. On its top was the long piece of parchment Snape had taken out, along with a quill and ink, for him to write lines. Why did he have to do them, he was not certain. Sure, Snape had said that it was to make sure the lesson sank in, and because he obviously had too much free time if he had been wandering around the castle, but really, wouldn't a detention be enough? He was supposed to serve detention with Snape himself, so it was not like he wouldn't be sufficiently punished.

Then there was also the tiny little fact Snape had forgotten to mention. How many lines was he supposed to write? And of course, trivial things such as to what he was meant to write, but, that was probably the point. Snape was most likely looking forward to humiliate him even more by simply telling him to write lines, leave him alone in the room for hours, and then come out to find that he had not written anything at all because he did not know what he was supposed to write.

He was surprised; and not in a pleasant way; when daring to look at the piece of parchment a single sentence was neatly written at its top.

I will no longer attempt to break the rules imposed by the school.

There it was. Snape was most definitely taunting him. 'No longer attempt.' It clearly said what Harry had been dreading all along, and would not be allowed to forget.

As soon as he sat down on the chair he had vacated a few minutes ago, two new sentences appeared on the paper: You better begin those lines Potter, and do not dare to stop writing. I expect a substantial amount of lines on this piece of parchment as soon as my meeting with Professor Dumbledore is over.

That was too much. How did Snape know what he was thinking? What if he didn't start, would Snape know? Would he continue to bother him through the paper, telling him he was writing too slow, or his handwriting was sloppy?

The temptation to see if Snape would indeed be able to somehow tell if he was writing the lines or not without being present in the room was almost too much, and yet, the slight suspicion that Snape would not hesitate to storm out of the office and embarrass him even further in front of Dumbledore was enough to make him pick up the delicate quill and dip it in the ink.

I will no longer attempt to break the rules imposed by the school.

It really was just too bad that they had been caught, especially since it had honestly been a mistake. They did not plan to break curfew at all, but time had flown by and caught them by surprise. And on top of everything it had to be Snape that caught them.

I will no longer attempt to break the rules imposed by the school.

He would take McGonagall any day over Snape. Sure, she was their Head of House and could be extremely stern, but at least she was just. She would not keep him prisoner in the dungeons. She would not make him serve a detention as well as write lines.

I will no longer attempt to break the rules imposed by the school.

He could probably talk himself out of having to serve any punishment at all. It had not been too long since the induction ceremony, and both Ron and he could probably explain that it had been all an honest mistake. Surely she would grant them a chance, it's not like they had been forced to adhere to the rules for a long time yet.

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