The punishment

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"You should count yourself lucky you are not scrubbing cauldrons for the remainder of the day," said Snape as he handed the child another vial, casting a side glance at the pile of glass shards on the ground, "with a sore backside."

"I said I'm sorry," reminded Harry, carefully wrapping his fingers around the small bottles. He had said it a few times and had meant it each and every time. From the moment he finished his lunch to when Snape placed all sorts of protective charms on his chambers as he watched from the sofa. Even now, when he was being half-heartedly scolded once more. He meant it.

"Yes," Snape turned back around, gathering a few more vials, "that is the least you could say after destroying half of my supplies and attempting thievery." He watched as Potter slid the last of his vials into a small wooden crate sitting on the ground.

"It was an accident," pleaded Harry, eyes lingering on the cork stoppers for another second before traveling up to the black ones.

"One that I am certain you do not regret much now," said Snape with a raised eyebrow, "knowing that the work I expect you to complete is half of what it could have been." He handed the child the next group of vials.

"That is not true," supplied Harry, fingers secured around the glass, sitting back on his heels as he carefully positioned the new group of vials. "I regret it just as much." Using one hand on the corner of the box, Harry steadied himself, taking a soft breath.

"Hmmm," breathed Snape in a tone that portrayed his disbelief of Harry's statement.

"I really, really do regret it and I am very sorry" Harry looked up to the professor from his half-kneeling position. Snape let one short breath out, watching the child for a few more seconds before squatting down next to him, quickly placing the last of the vials inside the crate. In one more fast movement, he stood up, lifting the box with him.

"Come on then," said Snape, leading the way out of the small storage room. Harry followed, a bit surprised that the professor had actually accepted his latest apology but barely a second behind.

"On a usual year," mentioned the professor, holding the door open with an elbow "inventory of my supplies would have taken place a number days, if not weeks, ago. This year, however, other responsibilities have taken a good portion of my time." The black eyes met the ashamed ones as the child crossed the threshold; Harry's traveled to the ground soon after. "Therefore we will be doing that now," emphasized Snape, hoisting the box back up as he allowed the door to close behind both of them. In a few steps, he was standing in front of one of the desks. "Part of the punishment you will complete," Snape motioned for Potter to move to the stool across from him, "is checking the freshness of the supplies." The wooden crate now sat on top of the closest table.

"Now, this," announced Snape, hand reaching inside the wooden crate; Harry raised his chin, attempting to get a look of what he was pulling out, "is Hemlock Tree Essence."

"What does it do?" Harry asked as soon as the light emerald liquid was within sight.

"It is used in a few select potions due to its calming properties," said Snape, lowering the vial to the spot right across from the child.

"Oh," exclaimed Harry at the remark. He ran the tip of his tongue over his lips, eyes raising, looking inquisitively at the professor.

"You may open it," confirmed Snape, going to a nearby cabinet to retrieve a few tools. Running his tongue over his lips one more time, Harry slowly took the vial, pulling the cork off with a pop.

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