leave me alone to die in the dark

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*sorry about the pic of cris o'flying he's cute though*

*4weeks later*

I'm just trash right now harry said I couldn't be with Louis, I've been locked in my room for 4 weeks, I've haven't eaten in those weeks and I've haven't walk out of my room also none of the guys been in here not e end Lou but pretty much all the guys been nocking on my door and asking me to come out but I didn't say anything, one time Harry nocked and talked to me he said stuff like "are u OK" and in my head I said why don't you leave me here alone in the dark to die!!! can't be with the love of my life and my own brother hates me! I'm just dyeing right now.

*2days later*

I heard someone at my door it sounded like keys and I said
Me: wtf is that....... shit its keys
That was when I'd seen harry and the guys coming in my room they seen me with my face down on my tummy on my bed with my legs hanging one the end
Niall: is she awake
And when he said that I looked up at them
Liam:does that answer your question
Me:can you guys get out of my room I said my voice raspy from not talking in weeks
Harry: no can do love
Me:shut the hell up
Louis: oh shit u just been told by your little sister
Harry:now what have I've told you about using those word Missy
Me: harry leave me alone can't you see I'm not in the mood
Harry: y/n I don't care if your in the mood or not your coming out of this room if you like it or not
Me: *mumbles*
Harry: what did you say
Me: I said fuck you!
Niall:oh shit just got real
Liam: niall shut the hell up
Harry: oh you just cross the line

Harry picked me up carried me downstairs with the boys following he sat me down at the kitchen table he pit a plate of food in front of me.

Harry: eat
Me: no
Harry: got dammit I said eat
And I'd looked wide eyed at Harry first he told me not to say those words and now he Say's it like what the hell
Me: can you comprehend I said N.O
Harry: fine if you won't eat it I'll make you eat it!

Like harry said he Make me eat it and just to say i ate it

That same day harry said he was sorry and I'd forgave him I know I'm stupid for doing it, bit he still won't let me and Louis date bit at least he let me hang out with louis but let me say me and Lou are still close! And I'd lost a lot of weight I mean a lot! Well I was the one who didn't eat ; )

Well I hope you love it I know I didn't update in 6 days sorry I was busy:(

Remember to like, comment, and follow, and I will update tomorrow or wensday if I can sorry for the long wait!!!


Do u like my new good bye saying or BYE LOVE, I made it up I think its cool tell me what u think in the comments!!! please!!!

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