chapter three: tabloid junkie

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"Singer Perrie Monroe Stuck in Nude Scandal? 

Perrie Monroe, an American rock singer, was out on her honeymoon with new husband Jayy Von Monroe, when a person photographed the two during intercourse. Unbeknownst to the couple, someone was watching them from their private area in the Bahamas. 

While we think this is absolutely horrible and a severe invasion of privacy, we wonder why the two thought it was okay to have sex on a beach, out in the open. The photo shows Jayy laying on his back, with a very naked Perrie on his waist. Our sources have no idea if Jayy or Perrie know of this photo, but we do hope they..." 

I stopped reading as the photo in question was showing, with two stars covering my chest and a larger star covering my pubic area. Tears spring to my eyes as I get on Twitter and see my notifications blown up with the unedited version. 

At almost the right moment, Jayy and Dahvie enter the room, holding their phones with grim expressions on their faces. Jayy takes one look at my opened laptop and sighs, "So you've seen it?" 

"Who the actual fuck took that fucking photo?" I demand, holding back my tears

"I don't know. We were guaranteed privacy. But the beachhouse owner won't do anything because we made the choice to do what we did." Jayy groans

"We only fucking did it because we thought it was secluded!" I cry, a waterfall being sprung from my eyes. I drop my phone and cover my face, sobbing into my hands. The bed dips, and I feel arms wrap around me, squeezing me. 

"We'll find out who did this and take care of it. Just stay off Twitter," Dahvie says

"What the hell is on Twitter?" I demand

"Babe, you know how shameful the internet can be when nude photos come out," Jayy says quietly

"Oh my god, I'm being called a fucking whore aren't I?" I whisper, going against Dahvie's plea and scrolling through my notifications, sobbing. 

"God you're such a whore. Why did Jayy do this to himself? He deserves so much better! You ain't even cute! 

Jayy what is wrong with you? why marry into something that involves such drama? 

lol and she wonders why people think their baby isn't his. whore!

Looks like someone needs to lose some weight. You're crushing him! lollll

Im throwing away our picture of us. I don't deal with people who think its okay to fuck in public," 

I wrench myself off the bed and storm into the bathroom, locking the door and letting out a sob. I sit on the toilet, running my fingers through my hair, making a fist at the roots. My leg bounces as I feel my breathing quicken, my heart racing. 

I hear a knock on the door, "Perrie, let me in. I can hear your breathing. You're gonna have a panic attack if you don't calm down," Jayy speaks, voice clear and stern 

I don't reply, because I can't. My throat closes up, and I choke. I move off the toilet and onto the ground, so I can't fall off and hit my head. My breath hitches and I start to shake, my chest hurting, squeezing as it struggles to produce a breath. I start to sweat, feeling a wave of nausea take over, the room spinning, my sight blurring. 

"Perrie!" Jayy yells

My body trembles as I collapse onto my side, curling into the fetal position, my fingers going numb. I feel myself detach and reattach to the world, feeling it crash and burn. I don't know if I'm going crazy, or if Jayy somehow broke the door and is in front of me.

Bewitched (Sequel to Saviour) | Jayy Von Monroe Where stories live. Discover now