Chapter 1

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Rose's POV
As I entered the Gryffindor common room, the only thing that was going through my mind was whether I had remembered to close the cubicle door after me in Moaning Myrtles's bathroom. I wanted the concoction that I had brewed to be a secret for as long as possible.
I walked up the stairs towards the girls dormitories but as I turned the sharp corner, I was confronted by my cousin Lily sitting on a step.
"Hey Lils' what's up? How come you're sitting out here? It's quite late you know."
"Just give me a minute Rose. I can't stand to be in there whilst they're still bitching. They do it every night, and the one night where I would like to have an early night for the game tomorrow, they just can't seem to stop." I knew who and what my cousin was talking about.
The dorm she shared with had three girls who she did not exactly like. They were her friends, but something told me that she couldn't put up with them simply because they had moved on further than she had... In ways which girls of their age shouldn't have moved on by.
"Ah, right. Is it the same as usual?" The usual often involved a boy or two and his newly appointed girlfriend.
"Yep, certainly is. I'm sick of it. I need to get my sleep Rose, the game is against Slytherin tomorrow and I need all the energy I can muster." I really cared for her, she was like my little sister, so I guess I was going to have to sort this problem out for her. Only this one though.
"Right, I shall be right back. Don't move!" I got up and carried on the short way up to the dormitories.
Reaching for the door handle that lead to Lily's room, I heard the girls on the other side of the door.
"I know we share a room with her, but I mean seriously? Her cousin is a right whore. She might as well be at it with the whole school. She is a bit of an embarrassment to herself." Said one
"Yeah, I totally agree. Scorpius Malfoy though. She is lucky, you can't take that fact away!" Said another
"He is really handsome. I don't know what he sees in Rose Weasley though. She's ginger, she has freckles sprouting up everywhere and not to mention that brother of hers. He is a right plank" Said the third. I had had enough, they could bitch about me all they liked but starting on my brother? That wasn't to carry on.
I flung the door open to be greeted with three gob-smacked faces.
"Evening girls. Now listen here, I could easily take this to our prefects but I won't. If you don't stop this constant bitching and preventing other people from sleeping however, I will think twice. Go to sleep, and if I have to tell you again then it wont just be the prefects finding out." With that they each got into their own beds, turned out their lights and watched me as I left their room. From the other side of the door I could hear them whispering 'good night'. At least that had done the trick.
I returned to the staircase where I found Lily half asleep, leaning against the wall.
"Lily" I called out to her. She jerked up. " I have sorted out your issue, you can finally get some kip now. Good night and sleep tight. I'll see you for the game tomorrow" I gave her a quick hug before she passed me to go to her dormitory.
Then it struck me. The girls were talking about Scorpius and I. How did they know? Who told them? Nobody could know. The only two people I trusted with this were Albus and James. My two best friends. Unless... Scorpius must have told someone himself.
This was hopeless! We agreed that nobody should know. Only our best friend Albus, but I had to tell James after he walked past the door when I was telling Albus in the first place.
I couldn't possibly consider sleeping now! This is the biggest secret that I have ever kept. If dad found out, he would kill me. Not only me but Scorpius too and Draco would be in on it no doubt. Catastrophe! I need to get a hold of Scor, but I don't know where he is... He could be in the Slytherin common room, but that's risky attempting to knock there. I will owl him!
Running to the Owlery, my heart beating fast, I was clutching the message I had scribbled down on a piece of parchment before leaving. It read 'Meet me at the usual place. ASAP-it's urgent!' If that didn't give off a signal of urgency, then I will eat my broomstick.
Arnie flew down to greet me. "Hey Arnie, I need you to take this message to Scorpius Malfoy" I said attaching the parchment to his leg "Can you find him for me?" I got a screech in response and as soon as I had tied the knot, he was off. At least he realised my urgency.
All I had to do now was wait for the reply, or more importantly wait to see him.

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