Chapter 7

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Scorpius POV 

I woke with a start. I had dreamt of nothing but being alone forever in a field surrounded by dying roses. It seemed pretty dark and dismal but it was pretty accurate to what was happening. I pushed myself up and put the pillow behind my back. Rubbing my eyes and scratching my head I remembered the situation I was in and sighed. I glanced at the clock which read '2.30am' next to the clock on the little table beside my bed was a letter addressed to me propped up against a bottle and also a note . I reached for the note and recognised the handwriting. The only two people who wrote to me were Rose and my mother and both had very distinctive handwriting. The note was from Rose telling me she tried to visit but was told I was asleep so she'd speak to me tomorrow. The letter on the other hand was from my mother. As I opened it, my heart pounded. Why a letter at this time of night? She usually sent them every couple of days after she'd seen me, although I suppose today was a bit of a different situation. The letter read: 

Dearest Scorpius, 

Firstly, I am so terribly sorry for the way your father behaved today when you told us your lovely news. He was selfish and acted impulsively. However, he has his reasons of which I am quite sure you know why. His actions have had implications and he has taken himself off, the location of which I am unsure. This is worrying as I do not know what he will do. He has had a tough upbringing and he does not know how to deal with situations such as these. I, myself am looking for him and several family members are too. I will inform you when I have found him. 

For now, try not to worry as that was not my intention. I am sure he will be just fine and he just needed some time to himself to think. 

I love you lots my darling and I look forward to seeing you again soon. 

With love, your mother xxx

I gulped. My father has gone missing. He has left my mother because of Rose and I. This is all my fault. I have to do something. I hurriedly looked around expecting to find something to help me to know what to do. I just saw Rose's note. I had no idea how to help this situation. I had no idea what to do next. I didn't know the state of my father, I didn't know how Rose would react. I had no one to talk to. No one to confide in. No one to support me that wouldn't be directly impacted my decisions. 

Without thinking straight, I put my trainers on and shoved a jumper on. I ran up the stairs to the dorm room and it came to life again. I paced in front of the fire before running out of the doors down the corridors. I didn't know which way my legs were taking me but I ran anyway until I found myself by the doors to the pathway leading to the black lake. I glanced round before bolting out of the door to the port key. I hesitated before grabbing it but then the world began to spin and I was pelted into the sky. 

Rose POV

When I arrived at the Slytherin common room, I knocked politely and waited. No one came to the door. Perhaps they didn't hear or simply decided that a polite knock was not worth their time. I tried again, this time pounding the door so hard the side of my hand hurt. It worked. A tall long black-haired girl stood at the door. ''Er, can I help you? Are you lost Weasle?'' it was Cleo Crowe, she was the daughter of a well renowned Slytherin. ''Hello Cleo, is Scorpius there please?'' she huffed and rolled her eyes ''he's such a dork for making friends, sorry more than friends, with you- he might catch something horrible like being a mudblood'' as well as being perhaps one of the most horrendous people in our year, she was also among the most stupid definitely not worth reacting to. ''Yes thanks for that Cleo, now... Scorpius?'' she huffed and slammed the door in my face. I was unsure as to what to do, was she fetching him for me or was that it? So I decided to wait for a couple of minutes just to make sure. 

A few minutes passed and just as I was about to leave she came to the door. ''Can't find your love Weasel. Maybe he's had enough of having to deal with you'' just as I was about to walk away James came to the door. ''Cleo, stop being a troll and go and inhale a dictionary or something'' I let out a laugh before she huffed again and went off back into the room. ''Hey Rose, Scorp is asleep right now, do you want me to leave a note?'' he said. ''Oh, I didn't realise he was asleep, must be tired from today. Yeah hang on a minute and I'll just write it for you'' I summoned a pen and quill and scrawled a note to Scorpius 

Hey Scorpius, didn't realise you would be asleep. Hope you're okay, if you want to talk you know where I am. Speak to you tomorrow. Rose xx

I passed the note to James, smiled and turned to walk away back to my dorm. ''Night Rosie'' shouted James down the hall and I turned and put my finger on my lips telling him to be quiet. In all the dramatics, I hadn't realised I was out of bed past curfew. Two figures walked down the corridor straight towards me. It was Zach and Maddison, the two Hufflepuff prefects. ''Rose, what are you doing out of bed? It's not like you to be out past curfew?'' Maddison said with a tone of surprise. ''Sorry, I've just been trying to sort something out for a while and just lost track of time.'' I crossed my arms over my chest feeling the chill of the corridor. They both looked at one another before letting me past. ''Get straight to bed please Rose, if you see anyone tell them that we let you off with point reduction instead of going to a professor'' I glanced back before jogging back to my dorm ''will do'' I said. 

I got back to the common room and found it empty, even Al had somehow managed to find his bed. I sat down on a sofa in front of the fire and watched it burn for a few minutes. Thoughts were going through my head and I was thinking of potential scenarios that I might be in if things were to change. As I was staring deep into the fire, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Dominique. ''How did it go?'' she aksed ''did you find him?'' 

''No'' I replied ''he has gone to sleep, he probably is is exhausted from the whole thing'' she laughed, I didn't know why 

''What a strange way of dealing with your problems... although I suppose that's what he isn't doing by sleeping'' 

''What do you mean?'' 

''Well he isn't dealing with it is he. In any way shape or form'' It was starting to feel like a personal dig towards Scorpius now so I felt ready to defend him but before I could open my mouth to respond I saw out of the corner of my eye something glisten. I got up and ran to the window only to see Scorpius rise up swirling round and round with his hand holding onto a teapot. I gasped ''Dom, what is he doing?'' I shouted before watching him disappear into a hole in the sky. 

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