Chapter 3

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Rose's POV

The morning sunlight flooded through my window. It was too early to wake up on a Sunday morning. I rolled over onto my back and opened my eyes to stare at the ceiling. This was the day that Scorpius and I were going to announce to our families that we were boyfriend and girlfriend. It was Quidditch day and it was Slytherin vs Gryffindor the whole family would be up at the pitch to watch the cousins and Hugo play. I looked round to see that everyone else was still asleep. Perfect time to get into the shower. Grabbing my towel and some clothes I headed to the bathrooms.
I was ready for the match, my Gryffindor jumper and face paint on I headed down to the great hall for breakfast. As I entered through the huge doors I saw most of the middle table occupied by my family. Mum and Dad seated either side of Hugo fully engrossed in a conversation that I was unlikely to be interested in, uncle Harry and aunty Ginny either side of Lily, Albus and James, uncle Percy and aunty Audrey were either side of Molly and Lucy and finally uncle Bill and aunty Fleur either side of Dominque, Louis and Victoire. I wondered over to where mum and dad were.
"Rosie! It's so nice to see you!" Mum said as she got up and wrapped her arms around me.
"Hi mum" I said returning the gesture.
"Alright Rose?" Dad said smiling at me in his seat.
"Hiya Dad" I said and I kissed his cheek.
"How come you're so late getting down?" said Albus from across the table as I took my seat in between mum and Hugo.
"I was taking my time to get ready, the others aren't even up yet so I thought I might as well have the shower to myself for longer than usual." Albus looked at me with a cheeky smile and I straightened my face telling him it wasn't what he was thinking it was. A plate popped up infront of me and mum grabbed it before I could. She always loved doing things for me when she came to the castle.
"Bacon Rosie? Sausage? How about a slice of toast?" she asked as she began loading my plate with it all.
"Er, yeah sure" I replied as I watched the growing mound of food build on my plate.
After ten minutes my stomach had reached full capacity, if I was to eat anything more I would have burst. I looked over to Al and gestured to a little along the table. Being the dope he is, he looked at me puzzled.
"Al can I just have a word with you for a sec."
"Oh, right. Sure" and he rose out of his place on the bench and walked a little down the table and I followed.
"Al" I said in a hushed voice, " Scorp and I are going to tell everyone about us today. We decided last night a-"
"What. Rose, are you sure about this?" Al interrupted
"Yes of course we are. We are sick of pretending that we are just friends now. Our relationship has reached a point where that isn't possible anymore." Albus looked at me
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"By saying your 'relationship has reached a point where that isn't possible anymore' you don't mean to say you're pregnant do you Rose?" my eyes widened in disbelief.
"God no! Albus! Why? We haven't. Properly done-"
"OK OK OK I don't need to know anymore" I chuckled whilst going red at the same time. Albus looked up as Scorpius sat down beside me. He looked at me and then to Al.
"Scorp, you're sure about this. I mean you're sure that you want Uncle Ron to obliterate your arse?" Scorpius laughed and I looked at Al.
"Yeah Al, whatever it takes just so I don't have to resist to touch Rose anymore" I looked at him and smiled but realised it might be giving something away, especially as my family was only just down the table.
"Eurgh, you guys better get a room for this" Al said and he got up and walked back to his place. I turned to face Scorpius.
"After the match? Or before? Either way its going to ruin the day." I said.
"Well when we kick your arse, it will only make the day worse and if we tell them before they won't be able to enjoy the match and will feel equally defeated when we still beat you."
"Or we tell them before and then when we beat your arse then the blow will be softened and maybe they can get used to the idea and if we tell them afterwards, they will only be a little defeated because we will have smashed you so hard that they will still be chuffed from the win" I said smugly
"You always have to make things difficult Rose Weasley."

Scorpius' POV

I looked at her cheeky grin, wanting to kiss her but I resisted.
"Let's just get it over with and maybe we will be able to disappear during the match and won't have to provide an explanation" I said
"Don't think it will be all relieved after we tell them Scorp. It's gonna be a tough thing for our dad's to take in. Besides, how do you think you're going to get away when you're playing?" In my head I could just see Ron and my dad chasing after me firing avada kedavra.
"Yeah I suppose. And trust me I am not looking forward to the arse-whooping I'm going to receive. I'll go get the 'rents" and I slid out from under the bench and turned to the Slytherin table where my mum and dad were in the middle of a conversation.
"Scorpius darling, where did you get off too?" mum asked.
"I just went to speak to Al and Rose"
"Oh. Those two" dad said with a hint of distaste in his voice.
"Yeah... anyway I have something I need to tell you but first you have to come with me." I said and my palms began to sweat. They looked at eachother but then stood up. I turned to walk towards where the Weasley-Potter lot were sitting.
"Scorpius what are you doing?" Dad hissed under his breath.
"Just come will you?" I looked at him and he looked to mum.
"Draco, darling come on, it's for our son." Dad always gave into mum. I poked Rose on the back and she turned to look at me, she got up out of her seat and stood beside me.
"Mum, Dad..." she began "in fact everyone sitting on this table- Scorpius and I have something we want to tell you..." I looked down into her eyes and she took my hand. The warmth moved up through my veins to the top of my shoulder as I heard a communal gasp run through the group of people before us. I decided to finish her sentence off.
"Rose and I have been secretly going out for 5 months now and we can't bear to keep it a secret any longer." Ron rose out of his seat and stood straight in front of me. His eyes were gazing deep into my soul. I felt a presence beside me and looked to where my dad was standing doing exactly the same thing. They both had scowls on their faces and there was a deadly silence hanging over us all. Hermoine cleared her throat.
"Well... I guess I should have seen it coming sooner or later." I looked behind Ron to Hermoine whose hands were knotted in her lap.
"Mum?" Rose questioned her mother as Ron turned to face Hermoine, his brow creased.
"Hermoine, what do you mean you should have seen it coming sooner or later? Did you know about this?" Hermoine looked to where mum was standing staring at the floor.
"Astoria and I have had a couple of phone calls these past couple of weeks..." Hermoine said as she stared at the floor.
"Astoria? Is this true?" Dad turned away from me to look at mum.
"Draco darling, they are a couple- do you remember when you and I were scared to tell your parents because we knew your Dad would be livid that you weren't going to marry one of those girls he had wanted you to?" Dad looked to the floor for a split second before looking at Ron.
"I think it's only fair that we just leave them to do what they want Weasley. They will figure it all out the hard way." He said and turned his back and walked to the door. All this time Rose was still holding my hand, I noticed Ron was staring at our hands clasped together. I gripped Rose's hand tighter
"Mr Weasley, I understand that this is a very difficult thing for you to accept because she is your daughter and you wouldn't want anything or anyone to hurt her but I can ashore you that I would never deliberately want to hurt Rose because I love her and she means the world to me" I looked down to her and she smiled her adorable half smile which occurs every time I pay her a compliment.
"Ronald Bilius Weasley, will you stop these ridiculous dramatics at once!" Hermoine raised her voice at Ron who instantly snapped out of the evil glare he was giving me. "Honestly Ron, I don't understand why its such a big deal. Just because they love eachother doesn't have to affect us. What happens in the past, stays in the past" she finished.
"Ron, Hermoine's right. Just leave it will you." Harry interjected. Ron released his tense stance and took a step back, it looked as if he was about to punch me.
"Scorpius Malfoy, if you ever so much as cause a tear to fall down my daughters face that isn't happy tears, I am not even going to tell you what I would do because then you'd be expecting it- so just don't." my dad sniggered behind me and I turned to look at him
"Got something to say Malfoy?" Ron looked at him too.
"No Weasley, I don't but if you want to go round firing threats then at least make them a little bit more frightening won't you?" dad said as he walked back up towards us.
"This has just turned into a big game to you two!" said Rose as she let go of my hand to move inbetween the two men, "All this was supposed to be about, was me and Scorpius telling you that we are going out- it's not even that much of a big deal! It's not as if we are even getting married. So please can we just stop this absurd behaviour and go and watch the game, please?" she said as she took a breath. She really reminded me of her mother sometimes, who I saw was looking at her daughter with a proud grin.
"Rose is right" piped up mum. "Come on Draco, we want to get a good seat in the stands now darling" and she took dad's hand and they headed out of the great hall. Ron sat back down and took a sip from his cup of tea.
"Scorpius are you coming?" I heard dad call.

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