- 19 -

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i knocked sharply on phil's door, shoving my hands in my pockets. i had only been over once since the accident but i was fairly sure he wouldn't mind me turning up- i told him didn't i? i waited for a few minutes before hearing footsteps padding towards the floor. the door swung open and i was face to face with phil's roommate tyler. he flashed me a grin and squealed a little when he saw me.
"hey tyler."
"oh my god!! come in!!"
"uh, i was planning to. is phil home?"
i chuckled softly and followed tyler back into the apartment. the goofy male danced into the kitchen and began to brew some coffee before turning back to me, his cheeks pink with excitement.
"how have you been??" he asked cheerily. i smiled warmly at him.
"i've been good thanks. things with phil are improving, pj is gone.." i trailed off, biting my lip at the bouncing man.
"goodgoodgood!! phil and i are back to how we were before the accident. well, not 100% but we're working on it!!" he said chirping and poured our drinks, handing me a steaming mug of coffee. i thanked him and took a short sip of the warm liquid. it warmed my body instantly, sending shivers down my spine.
"where is phil by the way..?" i asked, looking up at tyler.
"oh, he's gone to pick up chris at the train station!" he said in his thick american accent, sipping at his own drink.
"chris..? train station?" i furrowed my brow at tyler. chris, chris, chris. nope, didn't ring a bell.
"chris from the hospital? their beds were next to each other and they became friends in hospital. only problem is, chris lives in bristol so everytime they hang out, he has to take a train. it's cute though- it shows he cares." tyler explained, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. i nodded slowly, biting at my lower lip again.
"i guess i should go then.." i began to mumble, but as i said it- the front door swung open. a laughing phil came stumbling in with another man. he was smaller then phil with a roundish face and his hair was dark brown and a similar style to phil's. he was also laughing as they came in. both their expressions changed drastically when they saw me though.
"d-dan, what are you doing here?? didn't you see my messages?" phil asked, brushing his hair out of his deep blue eyes. i shrugged.
"i guess not.. sorry." i turned to the other boy and held out my hand politely.
"you must be chris?" i asked. the man smiled and nodded, taking my hand and shaking it firmly.
"you must be dan. phil's told me about you." my cheeks flushed. phil spoke about me? i turned to the raven haired boy now and smiled softly. he returned the smile without hesitation.
"so, um, dan. chris and i were actually about to head out to dinner.." phil began but i understood. i nodded a little, clasping my fingers together behind my back.
"that's fine. yeah, i'll catch you later?" i said, trying desperately to act nonchalant.
"you could come with us?!" chris blurted out, receiving a shocked expression from all three of us.
"yeah.. i mean it would be cool to get to know you, dan." chris finished, his cheeks going a little pink. my eyes swerved to phil who gave an encouraging nod.
"yeah, if you want to dan?" he asked perkily, smiling a little at me. i nodded eagerly.
"that sounds great!" i giggled a little and the two of them grinned back. phil turned to tyler. "you can come too if you want, ty?" he offered but tyler refused with a smile and a shake of his hand.
"nah it's alright, thanks. troye's coming to visit and i've got to pick him up from the airport." he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. phil turned back to me.
"right. let's go then, gang!!"
"right, let's play fuck, marry, kill!" chris chuckled softly, placing his beer down on the table. we had been at the pub for around two hours already, just chatting about stuff and getting to know each other a little more. well, i already knew practically everything about phil, and chris and phil knew each other well: so it was really just me and chris getting to know each other and phil getting to know me a little more. we'd discussed childhood, college, plans for the future, likes and dislikes: the whole deal. however on certain occasions, i couldn't help but feel a little left out. the two of them had so much chemistry and i quite often felt like i shouldn't have been there. however, phil seemed to read my mind in those occasions and instantly brought me back into the conversation. that was one of the things i liked about him.
"right, ok." phil agreed from beside me, raking his fingers through his hair and giggling. i managed to tear my eyes away from his adorable face briefly to nod at chris.
"right. phil let's start with you. me, tyler and beyoncé!" chris said, waggling his tongue at phil.
"i'd marry tyler because we live together anyway and he's fabulous. i'd probably.. do it.. with you and i guess i'll be killing beyoncé. tyler won't be happy about that last bit." he chuckled a little and i couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as he chose to fuck chris. chris giggled in return, smiling with his eyes.
"your turn chris! emma blackery from the bed opposite us, undyne from undertale or me!" phil said slyly and chris grinned back.
"easy! i'd fuck emma anyday, probably kill undyne and then marry you." he winked at phil and the two of them exchanged a nervous giggle. not cool.
"someone do me!" i said rather loudly, breaking the tension. i bit my lip as the two of them fell about laughing.
"NOT LIKE THAT YOU DIRTY PAIR!" i exclaimed, covering my red cheeks with my face. i felt phil's fingers lock with mine, pulling my hands away from my face and smiling at me softly.
"me, pj or tyler?" phil asked, biting his lip a little. i thought for a second. did phil think pj and i were a thing..?
"i'd kill pj." that seemed to reassure him as he broke into an easy smile. "then i'd fuck tyler for the gay." that made them both laugh again. "and then.. i'd, uh. i'd marry you." i mumbled, my cheeks reddening again. phil smiled brightly in return and we just sat there for a few minutes gazing at each other. i realised our fingers were still intertwined. i heard chris cough lightly from opposite me and turned back to him, looking down sheepishly.
"who's up for sharing embarrassing stories?"
we were all pretty drunk by the time we left the pub, falling over each other and laughing at the stupidest things. chris was in the middle, his arms wrapped around me and phil, singing barbie girl by aqua at the top of his lungs. i giggled and looked around hazily at my surroundings. everything seemed to be in slow motion. we reached phil's apartment and basically fell through the door once phil had unlocked it in his drunk stupor. we stumbled in to find tyler heavily making out with a curly haired boy on the couch. they froze when they saw us and chris whooped loudly.
"OTP FOR THE WINNNNN!" he cackled as tyler and the boy got up angrily, rushing into tyler's room. chris collapsed onto the sofa and giggled to himself. he sniffed the air.
"IT SMELLS OF DICK." he announced, making me, phil and himself all burst into laughter again. phil leaned over and turned on the stereo and thinking out loud by ed sheeran came on, blasting at full volume.
"may i have this dance dannyboy?" phil slurred, turning to me and offering his hand. i giggled and accepted his hand, pulling him in by his waist.
"yes you may my philly cheese steak." he rested his hands on my shoulders as we swayed side to side. he scrunched his nose up in disgust.
"i hate cheese." he said.
"I LOVE HORSES! CAN WE GO GET ICE CREAM?!" chris yelled from the couch, tumbling over and falling to the floor.
we both giggled at that but focused back on each other. the chorus of the song began and i smiled into phil's eyes. he smiled back.
"you know what dan?" phil slurred again, giggling.
"what, phil?"
"i want to kiss you right now."
my heart started pounding hard. maybe it was just the alcohol? or did he mean it?
"JUST DO IT!" chris did his best impression of the meme from the floor as phil brushed his fingers clumsily against my cheek. i felt my stomach churning as i leaned in, closing the space between us, and pressed our lips together. phil angled his head, deepening the kiss slightly and wrapping his arms around my neck.
"chris, shut up."

messenger ✵ phan {sequel to skype}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant