ups, downs, sweet dreamz & pure myseriez! Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Who that?" asks Mel

"My mystery man", "OMG OMG, OMG! CHECK WHO IS ITT!!"

"Hey babe,

Sorry for the late message but how are you and all? and

Just asking are we walking tomorrow? Cause we want to go all together! Xoxox ily love the ---" I read out loud

"DAMN! It's from the twin's, ill reply saying yea we are walking tomorrow and we will meet up as usual oh and Mel says Hi she's at my house! Ok sounds good?"... "Yea yea, do whatever you want ha-ha-ha-ha!" she laughs

"aye Rach! The movies is getting really scary and I think we should go to sleep."

"Yea! I think so too!" I reply

So we get comfy on our double mattress and lay on our back and say goodnight to each other but Mel could tell that I couldn't sleep so she says...

"Here I'll tell you a story, now get comfy and here it goes.... It was set at a school social. And there was a beautiful girl named Jay who was sitting all alone because everyone was on the dance floor with their dates busting some moves, that's everyone but Jay because Jay didn't have a date. The music changed from hip hop, to tango, to quick step and it was a mixture of different styles of music. Without a hesitation she decided to make her way out side so people don't come up to her and tease her because she had no date, that and so she can catch some fresh air and sit in some peace and quiet which was just impossible because the music was extremely loud. To occupy her time, she went out of her lonely chair and danced all by myself to her mum's favourite waltz song, and before she knew it she was doing the waltz perfectly.

Without her realizing her sexy, awesome mystery man jumped out of nowhere and started to dance with her. She couldn't figure out who it was because he was wearing a black mask covering half his face. But his dance moves where amazing and his body where just way too sexy to explain and he was dressed like a handsome, young bachelor!

He held her so damn tight and firm that it made her stick to his chest while his strong hands and arms kept it that way. They ended the dancing and they just stood there, her still stuck to him like a magnet but still she was in his arms! Her face was just able to see above his shoulders; she closes her eyes and breathes throughout her nose, smelling his beautiful smell, so beautiful that it makes you fall in love.

The atmosphere was so tense and romantic and the way he held her close and tight made her feel safe and she knew It! Of course! She was in love; she knew she was because she couldn't see anyone but him. He moves his right hand and reaches down for her sweaty, warm hand. He holds it tight and takes her away to a more charming place so they can be alone together.

They go to the back of the school and lay on the green grass under the stars... he lays back first n puts his left arm behind his head and he got comfortable. Jay then lays down and places her head on his chest and listen closely to his slow and steady heart beat, he tilts his head and kisses her forehead and puts his right arm around her. Jay lay on her side with her head still on his chest as she points out a shooting star. He gently and slowly sits back up, wrapped his arms around Jay and lets her head rest on his shoulders then puts his head on hers. She could feel his soft, straight hair brush against her face.

He lifts his head up and breaks the silence:

"If you where to wish upon a falling star, what would you wish for?"

"I would wish for, you to be real!" She replies

She lifts her eyes to make contact with his, and then she feels his warm fingers on her chin while he lifted her head up.

He leans in, closes his eyes, so she closes her eyes, he moves in closer and closer to her lips, a-n--d, ----" while saying this word Mel yawns and falls asleep!

As I was just about to sleep I recapped the story she just said... OH CRAP!! That was my dream!!!!! Same details, same mystery man, same place, same plot, same theme, same ending, same everything!!! WOAH MAN! HOW THE HELL DID SHE FIND OUT?? I never told anyone!!!

Man she must be a mind reader or some crap! But hmmm I wonder my mystery man didn't text me today?? I wonder if anything happened to him, wait no probably forgot about me, or maybe he was busy... nahh he forgot about me, after all they all do. I have a little cry to myself remembering all the memories me and chuck experienced together and how much I loved him! And then remembered Blake as I saw him this morning in the hospital oh just all so heartbreaking!

After I had my little breakdown of streaming tears and because of the pain of my eyes because I was crying all day, I just closed my eyes for a second and just like that I realized that I couldn't open them again, I was that tired that I fell asleep straight away! AND OMG I HAD THE SAME DREAM AGAIN!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 22, 2010 ⏰

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7 days of the week, how my weeks roll! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang