Over for Dinner

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Aph's Mom's POV:

I had just came or of Aphmau's room, aren't I sneaky? I had grabbed her phone and invited all the boys over, to see which was worthy for my baby, of course. It was best for my baby, boys are nasty but I need to find a good one. My baby will thank me and think I'm even cooler, my baby will be happy.

Aphmau came downstairs and was confused.

"Mom, have you seen my phone?"

"Yes, yes-" I stuttered, "I'm adding some more data to it; of course!"

"Really?! Thanks mom!"

How savy of me!

She started to walk away then stopped, "wait a minute, you would never do that!"
She lunged and grabbed her phone, and suddenly running upstairs.

This is for her own good!


The next evening~

~Ding Dong!~

"I'll get it!" I bounced up to greet the boys.

I opened the door and a boy with white hair smiles back at me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I AM SOOOO SORRY, I'M TIREDDDDDDDD! MY FLIGHT IS THIS SUNDAY AT 5 A.M. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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