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"Miss Green, I am perfectly happy for you to make your own classroom seating arrangements-"

"Thank you, I appreciate that." I say sarcastically. I probably shouldn't be sarcastic with this man, considering he has the power to fire me on the spot, but it's in my nature.

"-but I must question your choices for a few of your classes." I roll my eyes, choosing not to say anything this time. "First of all: Grayson Perry and Amelia Scott? If you put those two even in the same row there'll be a catastrophe."

I am silent for a moment, then I realise that he's expecting an explanation.

Oh boy. How in hell do I explain my choices?

"I think that if they're forced to get to know each other a little, it might help diffuse the tension there. Maybe they'll become friends and you won't have them constantly standing here waiting for their punishment because they've fought again."

Gareth Sheffield sighs.

"I suppose that's fair. But Jane Olson and Lucas Anderson?" I shrug.

"They worked well in a group project in one of my other lessons. They bring out the creativity in one another."

Gareth sighs again. The amount of sighing he does could fill a hot air balloon and I could float around the world.

"Beatrice Henry and Sophia Terrence?"

"According to Mr Willis they used to be best friends. They should be fine."

Judging by the look he gives his sheet of paper, the next pair won't be easy to explain.

"Rose French and River Miller? Why did you put them together? That's like adding gasoline to a forest fire!"

Okay, so maybe this one was a long shot. There is absolutely no way I can explain this one. I put my hands on the desk and lean forward, my face serious.

"I put them together because I ship them, Headmaster. Do not ruin this for me."

Sheffield rolls his eyes at me and stands so that he is taller than me. Only by an inch, but still.

"Alright. But if anything - and I mean anything - goes disastrously wrong, you're suspended for a month."

I leave his office with my eyes wide and one thought rattling through my head on a roller coaster.

I hope this works.


So, this is my first story after finishing TRBTBBTPB&M, and it is very different. This isn't just one story, it's a series of mini stories about the pairs mentioned in this little teaser, so there's not just one set plot line.

Hopefully you guys will enjoy this as much as you've enjoyed my other story :)

All love,

Princess Kayleigh xox

Seating ArrangementWhere stories live. Discover now