Jane & Lucas // three \\

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Jane was going to speak to Lucas. She really was, but then she thought: what if he thinks she's a freak?

"Oh, come on, he can't be that bad?" Eloise, Jane's cousin and the only person other than her parents who gets the luxury of hearing Jane speak, rests her chin on her hand.

Jane sighs.

"H-H-he wants-s m-me to sp-speak."

Eloise grins and shoves Jane's shoulder.

"Jane! This is good!"

"H-how?!" Jane exclaims.

"Nobody's ever asked you to speak for them before, right?"

Jane shakes her head.

"See? Maybe he wants you to speak because he's interested in you!" Jane winces at the high pitched squeak that is Eloise's voice.

Shaking her head, the mute girl unlocks her phone and checks Facebook, Eloise looking over her shoulder.

Incoming Message From: Lucas Anderson

Eloise elbows her cousin.

"Told you so."

"Sh-sh-shut your tr-trap."


"I messaged you on Facebook yesterday." Lucas says as soon as he sits beside Jane in English last period.

"Hmm?" She hums, hiding her smirk as best she can. Judging by Lucas's shocked face, her humming has done the trick.

"You just, I mean, you-"

"Hm-hm." She hums again. Lucas grins at her and musses her hair.

"Look at you, starting to use your voice." He smiles fondly at her, and the butterflies attack the inside of her stomach.

Jane takes a huge breath and crosses her fingers.


She did it. She actually did it. Yes, it was a singular word, but she managed not to stutter in front of Lucas.

Lucas, of course, seems to think that the appropriate reaction for this is to gape and fall off his chair, before grinning and crushing her in a hug.

Jane laughs slightly, before pushing him away from her gently.

He looks at her in a way that makes her heart beat irregularly, and she can tell that her cheeks are crimson.

"You have a nice laugh, Janey."

Five words. Five words and Jane is hooked. That's it.

Holy crap, she likes him.

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