My Secrets Tag

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Hello,amazing readers,and I am here because I've been tagged my SimplyEmilyXD

It's karma for tagging her in the tag where I answered questions.So I'm here to tell you some of my secrets.I would also like to say I might not write in a while because I have a stomach bug and I'm on day 5(which is presumably the amount of days it's supposed to last so let's hope)and school starts August 11th for me.

Now,let's get to the secrets!

1.When I was in preschool,I was in line and pushed down a kid which created a domino affect and the other kids fell as well and the kid in the front of the line was the only one that didn't have to sit down for 5 minutes at recess.I'm evil!Mwhahahaaha!

2.When I was in Kindergarten and First grade my best friend,let's call her Jazzy(idek),lied to me for those years about her being a werewolf and the granddaughter of the Bell Witch and a stump the school being where she was buried.

3.Sorry if I offend you,but I think it's weird when people face the thingy where the water comes out which I forgot what it's called at the moment during showers.It's like,"Get in my eyes!Blind me!Burn my eyes!"

No thank you.

4.I have one true friend at school(who doesn't have wattpad but has Pinterest.I am not going to give it to out because it's her real name).This girl I thought was my friend ditched me because she hangs out with people that are popular at the time.So thanks to my friend,for saving my life!I like to call her Jessica Moore cause what her first name is!😂

5.I watch funny MCR videos and question my sanity about everyday.

6.I'm an outcast at my school.Which isn't that big of a secret.

7.I believe in unicorns!🐐(It's close enough to a unicorn because there are no unicorn emojis.Let's make a campaign to get unicorn emojis.)

8.I'm scared of the dark.Especially after seeing Lights Out with my friend syleena32904 who goes to a totally different school than me so we barely get to see each other😢.Like we were scared to shut the door to the house because it was really dark inside and we thought Dianna was gonna come get us.

syleena32904:You shut it

Me: In the movie they killed Dianna so we're fine*goes to shut door*

syleena32904:Do you know how many people are at (names the place that I forgot the name of at the moment)

Me: *silent*

syleena32904:A lot!

Me: *backs away from door*

I eventually got it shut though.LOL!

And that's all!I tag




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