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We walk out the tent with Amberle holding Eretria with a knife to her neck and start searching for Wil

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We walk out the tent with Amberle holding Eretria with a knife to her neck and start searching for Wil.

"Amberle! I found him!" I point towards the direction where I see Wil sitting at a table.

"Wil, it's a trap! Let him go!" Amberle yelled as we stand a few meters away from everyone.

"You didn't think this through, did you?" Eretria sneered as Amberle twisted her around to keep the people away.

"Honestly, no." I gave her an answer while Amberle glared dagger at me.

"Shut up." Amberle looked at both of us and I put my hands up in surrender.

The man and Wil walk closer to us as Amberle continues to hold the rover in her arms.

"It appears I've underestimated you, two young ladies." The man spoke.

"Or overestimated you." He retorts.

"Let him go or your daughter dies." Amberle demands and I look at her. That wasn't what we discussed, do you really want blood on your hands Amberle?

The Rover Chief put his hands up in surrender, "Please. Don't." Looks like he really cares for his daughter.

He gets down on his knees and begs, "I'm begging you. Please. Please, don't. I.." Then slowly his sobs turn into laughter and all of his people begin to laugh as well.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, are women not respected in this community? Amberle and I began to look around, distracted.

Eretria grabs a hold of her arm, twisted her around, and punched her in the gut. She then slammed her down. Angry, I grabbed her collar and was about to punch her when Wil snapped me out of my state.

"Stop, stop! Please! Just tell me what you want, and I'll do it." Wil shouted and the Rover narrowed his eyes at him before speaking.

"Open your hand." He demanded.

"What?" Wil asked. The Rover rolled his eyes and forced his palm open to hand him the elf stones.

"I've heard the stories about your father, Shannara, but unlike most folks, I actually believe them. Now you show me how to use those stones and I won't kill the girls." He negotiated.

Eretria slapped my hand and forced Amberle up by pulling her hair. I punched her in the face with enough force to loosen her grip and pulled my sister into my arms.

"Don't touch her!" I growled and she rolled her eyes.

"Listen to me, these Stones are just stones." Wil tried to persuade him.

"Do they live or do the die, Wil?" He pointed to us with a weapon.

"I swear to you, even if they were magic, I don't know how to use--!" Wil was cut off by the Rover.

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