Chapter 1: "Sailor Celeste!"

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{OKAY! Welcome to my version of Sailor Moon Crystal. Hoshi is the cat in the picture along with Sailor Celeste. The Wand in the picture has been changed after I finished the series and found out that is Sailor Moon's wand. Ignore it. Aki has something called a Star Wand, which is really Hinamori Amu's Amulet Diamond's Weapon. THAT I DON'T OWN!! I just want to borrow it. It's a little taller though and has a pretty star on the top of it. Which I shall show in the next chapter. Altair/Daichi looks exactly like his older brother just a little shorter. He goes to the same school as Usagi and the others (exception is Mars and Venus that is) he's in another class different from Usagi and Aki. Uh, Ami's class I believe. His Dark Mask outfit is just a mask and a full body cloak covering black pants and a long sleeve shirt. It gets cold at night. Shush. I know not very original. Hoshi has a star on her head rather then a moon. She was born specifically for Alya/Aki who is much different from the rest of the Guardians. I realized that they had no way to pin the enemy down. So borrowing the attack as well, Starlight Navigation, Aki shoots a burst of stars at the enemy, sort of purifies them, and holds them in place allowing for the final attacks(s). Let's see what else? Oh the lyrics for the song are different because I used a different website then the person in the video did. But you can listen to the theme song during this Chapter. Next Chapter I will reveal what Aki's theme song for tranforming is. I might go with another Shugo Chara theme sound. ^_^|| I know there is copyright issues, but let me remind you, I DON'T OWN ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE NAMES OF AKI/ALYA, ALTAIR/DAICHI, DARK MASK, AND I GUESS HOSHI. You see I really like Tuxedo Mask and I've developed quite the crush on him. ^_^|| But I love the UsagixMamuro ship so I decided to keep them. Simply because I find CHIBIUSA ADORABLE!!! <3 *Clears Throat* Excuse me for that burst of fangirling. Enjoy the chapter and I'm sorry this Author's Note Is Long. It has vital information so if you have read it, thank you for not skipping it. Oh and I will update when someone says they are reading. COMMENTS AND VOTES ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! I FEEL SPECIAL WHEN SOMEONE VOTES AND COMMENTS! ENJOY!} 


"Endymion! Take Princess Serenity and get out of here! I will take Princess Alya to safety a different way!" The young Prince, Altair, younger brother to Endymion says. Altair pulls Alya by her hand as she looks back at her sister, Princess Serenity and Altair's older brother, Endymion. Once they believe they are safe, an explosion hits them.


Light filters through the room in Kyoto Japan. Aki wakes up with a yawn as she sits up. The man was so handsome. She hadn't figured out his name though. The other woman in the dream was quite beautiful as the other man was quite handsome as well. Aki looks at the time before screaming and jumping out of bed and rushing to get ready. She runs down the stairs and she looks over at the picture of a man on the counter.

"Have a good day dad! Bye Mom!" Aki yells before her mother could offer any breakfast. The blonde hair, blue eyed girl runs as fast as she can. While running past a playground she slows to a stop when she finds some boys poking at a kitten with a stick. She runs over and hits the boys on the head. They run away crying for their mothers. Aki looks down at the kitten who stares at her with blue eyes.

"What's a funny looking kitty." Aki says and her eyes meet with the kitten's. The kitten was yellow looking with a star on her head. The kitten blinks finally as Aki remembers she'll be late for school.

"Bye Kitty!" Aki says before running away. The kitten runs after her and then jumps onto a brick wall.

"Could I have finally found her? The Legendary Star Princess, Alya?" The cat asks before jumping down and chasing after Aki.

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