Chapter 11: "Moon"

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All the girls stand up and Daichi steps forward over to Aki who still hugged Usagi. Aki steps back into Daichi's arm.

"Never again, I will not be a tragic Princess! Alright, let's go." Usagi says.

"Let's find what secrets the moon holds." Aki says.

"Right." Everyone says in unison. Daichi looks at Aki who was busy looking at all her friends. Hoshi glances at Luna and Artemis. Luna looks at everyone.

"So, we've decided to go to the moon. But we have to wait a few days until it's full." Luna says. The girls begin to do research on the moon.

The girls stand at the arcade the next evening talking it over. Ami looks over at Usagi who was feeling better.

"At least Usagi is feeling better." Ami says.

"She misses my brother, I understand the feeling." Daichi says as his arms were crossed. He wore the boy's version of the uniform.

"I knew she couldn't stay depressed forever, besides there is no time to be sad. We are going to the moon." Makoto says.

Usagi was eager to go to the moon so she could find a way to rescue Mamoru. Hoshi wasn't so sure about Daichi going. Daichi, Aki and Hoshi sat at Daichi's table later that evening.

"I've been there before you know." Daichi says.

"Yeah, as Altair." Aki says.

"I'm considered the Prince again. Which means, I could very well have my powers again. You know, if I had any. I don't recall." Daichi says.

"It's most likely a barren wasteland." Aki says, "There was so much destruction from the fight."

"It used to be as beautiful as the Earth." Hoshi says as she was being held by Aki.

"It was pretty gorgeous because of the youngest Princess." Daichi says.

"I'm sure your brother would say the same about the older Princess." Aki says.

"You were quite beautiful." Hoshi says.

"I agree with that." Daichi says.

"We should be getting home." Aki says.

"I'm not so sure about you going home alone." Daichi says.

"I can't stay here. Plus, I'll have Hoshi to look after me." Aki says.

"Hoshi is a kitten." Daichi says.

"I am more capable then you think." Hoshi says and sticks her tongue out.

"Alright, look after my Princess." Daichi says before looking at Aki, "May I kiss my Princess goodnight?" Aki blushes and nods slowly as he places his hand against her cheek before kissing her. She leaves a few minutes later.

"Moon Pride! I want to be your power!" The team is shown and Sailor Celeste and Sailor Moon are shown up close. "Tears flow down a cheek, eyes burn red!" Ami is shown followed by Rei. "Someone cries of love violently, like a flash of lightning!" Makoto is shown followed by Minako. "Even if you're in pitch black darkness, you're not alone, you know?" Aki is shown with her eyes closed as she drifts back into darkness then she lights up and Usagi is shown floating beside her. "The Moonlight illuminates us!" The two girls are shown standing in the rain holding umbrellas. "Ah, even girls have a kind of pride they cannot give up!" They turn to look at Daichi and Mamoru. "It's to not give up their fates to their princes," Mamoru was reading while Daichi had a soccer ball at his feet determined to play regardless of the rain. "But to fight with their own volition!" Hoshi and Luna appear on the girl's shoulders moments before they are tackled by their friends and they all throw up their umbrellas. "Shiny Make-up, shine! Gather in the starry sky!" The girls are shown fighting and Aki holds her hand out to Dark Mask, who stood wearing a mask and a single cape with black clothes. "I'm not a being so frail that I must only be protected!" Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask are shown back to back and they turn to look at each other smiling before they are pulled apart. "Even if I'm shaken by a wave of sadness or burnt by a flame of anger!" Sailor Mars and Mercury are shown attacking with Fire and Water. "I'll swear a vow of eternal love, dazzlingly like a flash of lightning!" Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter are shown attacking. "Even if we are separated right now, you're not alone, you know?" Sailor Celeste attacks with her Star Wand as she flies back from the strong attack. "The Moonlight connects us!" Dark Mask and Tuxedo Mask float back to back before Sailor Celeste and Sailor Moon are shown floating opposite to their true love. "Ah, girls have some invincible weapons! They are a gentle gaze to embrace weakness! And strength to accept everyone! Shiny make-up, sparkle! Embrace in the starry sky! Our bonds crossed over time and space to give us courage! I want to cry passionately and painfully!" Hoshi, Luna and Artemis jump forward standing in front of their three humans. "My novice heart is lonely and wants to see you! No matter how many times I'm reborn in this vast universe! I will love you! Shiny Make-up, take flight! Beyond the starry sky! Sin surrounds the world, but I can believe in the future!" The Enemies are shown. "--So," The Castle is shown with Princess Serenity and Princess Alya. "Shiny Make-up, fight! Clothed in the starry sky" Princess Serenity is shown holding a Crystal Flower. "A new legend begins here and now!" The entire team's face is shown up close. "La, La Pretty Guardian SAILOR MOON!" The group stands together in front of the moon while a Star explodes behind them creating sparkles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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