Harris County HighPoint

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       As I get off the bus with several other females and walked up to a teacher with my belt, socks, and shoes in my hand so I can get searched before entering the building...
  Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Jaya Thomas & I am 13 years old. (Now let me remind you I was in the 7th grade at the time ending the school year off at a alternative school named HighPoint). HighPoint was a school for kids that couldn't act right at their homeschool so they were sent there. HighPoint is basically like jail. When you're in the hallways you have to walk with your hands behind your back, in a straight line, and you can't say A N Y T H I N G until you're done exchanging rooms getting ready for your next class period or lunch. When arrival to the school you have to get searched to make sure you don't have anything you're not supposed to have. You couldn't even bring money  up there or they would have assumed you were gambling or shooting dice.
      The school was very strict about dress code & every other little things but I must admit, HighPoint was the hangout spot. Everybody got alone and the teachers were cool then a bitch. Anyways, back to the story. After my search I was let in the building and went to the classroom to write down what I wanted for breakfast and launch. I sat down and waited for the rest of my peers to come in and get started with the day. Time flew by and the launch lady dropped our breakfast off but nobody didn't notice because everyone was caught up in their conversations they were having with their partners.
     When the teacher finally got our attention we went one by one to go get our food and sat back down and finished or conversations. I really wasn't bothered to eat because I had a feeling that I was being watched. When i turned around Christopher was just smiling. I smiled as we made eye contact and turned back around feeling like the luckiest girl in the world and didn't think twice about eating my food. Soon as I was about to get ready and eat my food, it was time to throw it in the trash and I only had enough time to drink my apple juice. I stood up and gathered all my trash to throw it away but I had a strange feeling I was being watched Again. So I asked a girl that was sitting ahead of me to throw my trash away since she was already heading that way and she did. I sat back down, looked at Christopher, made eye contact for about a minute, smiled and finally put my head at rest on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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