Part 3

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"I'm just giving him some space. I don't want him to feel like I'm being too clingy. Especially during a time like this."

"Y/N, you can't avoid him forever," Jiwoo said on the other end.

"I'm not avoiding him. It's's awkward right now...between us. This has never happened before."

"But it's been like four days since he told you he loved you. Don't you realize he probably thinks you're avoiding him?"

"He's smart. He knows I'm just giving him time to process everything."

Jiwoo began to say something, but your phone buzzed. Suddenly Taehyung's contact photo popped up on your screen. "Hold on Jiwoo, Taehyung's calling me. I'll call you back." You quickly pressed the End & Accept button, putting your phone back to your ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Y/N, you left your sunglasses here."

"Dude it's been like almost a week since I was at the dorm, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"We forgot, and this week's been a little rocky so..."

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry-"

"No, don't be. Anyways, can you come now? Jungkook's not here."

"Yeah, I'm grabbing my jacket right now. I'll see you at your dorm," you hung up and quickly took your jacket off the coat rack as you ran out the door.


(The "*" means that it's not your POV. In this case it's Jungkook's.)


He wanted to do it, he wanted to pick up the phone and call her. But he just didn't know if it was the right time to. He didn't want to seem like a player who bounced from girl to girl, but Y/N wasn't just any girl.

He had loved Y/N since he fell off the swing in 2nd grade, and she was the only one who didn't laugh. Instead, she helped him up, and gave him a bandaid. He remembered exactly what she was wearing, and he couldn't get her out of his mind ever since. They had become friends since then, and were inseparable.

Jungkook had no idea Y/N liked him. She had been quiet about least around him. That day he came back from following Y/N, the guys told him everything. The signs, the guilt she felt, everything. He'd never seen it coming. Whenever he looked at her, she wasn't looking at him, so he just assumed she wasn't into him, but it seems like Y/N felt the same way, because the guys told him she was always looking at him. They were both just really sneaky about it.

He thought that he'd need to move on from Y/N, so he started dating. He felt really bad for Seoyoung. She was a great person, and he'd always be her friend, but she just wasn't the one. His heart belonged to Y/N. He couldn't seem to wrap his head around the situation he was in though. The world still thinks he's dating Seoyoung, but they don't know he truly loves Y/N.

There was a slow but loud knock at the door. He got up cautiously and opened it, not expecting to see Y/N standing there.

"Uh," she cleared her throat.

His figure straightened and his eyes widened as he saw her there, looking beautiful while he looked rather depressing.

"Taehyung called me and said he'd be here..."


His head tilted to the side in confusion.

"He told me that I left my sunglasses here, and wouldn't be here," she said, seeing the confusing look on his face.

"The rest of the guys are at the studio."

"Ah I see. It seems as if he set this up," she looked down at the floor, a strand of hair falling in front of her pink, blushing face.

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