Chapter One The Runaway

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'It was 3 AM, I had made my way from my mom's to my aunt's, who was sitting on her front porch as I approached the house...'

"Moira, it's three in the morning, what are you doing out here?" The woman asked

"I just needed to clear my head, while I secretly move out of Mom's house. She's always on me to be more like my obnoxious brother. It's always; Why can't you be more like Seth, Moira? You're the screwed up mistake. We only planned on having one child. You were an unexpected accident. You're not supposed to be here, Moira. My parents never even wanted me. They think of me as the screwed up mistake that ruined their perfect family life. They shut me out. And I shut all of them out. So I decided to run away, Rita. I don't know where else to go." I said

"I knew you'd come around. Come on in." Rita said

"Thank you. At least someone I'm related to cares about my existence." I said

"We are the outcasts of our family, Moira. we are all we have. You're welcome to stay as long as you like." Rita said

"Thanks, Rita. I appreciate this." I said

"It's getting late, we should get your things upstairs in the spare room, and you should turn in for the night." Rita said

"Thanks again, for letting me stay here." I said

"We have to stick together, right?" Rita said

"Yeah, you're right, Rita. We're truly the only family and friends we have." I said

'Rita had then returned to her room for the night, I had gotten comfortable in my new room, I finally felt like I belonged... Rita was all the family I needed.'

"Rita, Moira isn't here, all of her stuff is gone." Britney said

"Moira's fine, Brit. She's here with me. I told her she could stay, considering that you and John didn't want her to begin with." Rita said

"Well we had no idea that we were having twins, Rita. I would have given the mistake up for adoption, Seth is the perfect child. The only one that matters." Britney said

"Moira has feelings, don't you know that you're hurting her by saying these things about her? No wonder she'd rather run away and move in with me. You treat your own daughter like garbage." Rita said

"John will be by in the morning to bring Moira home. Goodnight, Rita." Britney said, hanging up

"I can't let them take her back. I'm just getting to know her." Rita said

'Morning had not come soon enough, I had arrived at school, bumping into Jack, the hottest guy in town, I had seen my rival and ex friend, Brady. Who had also pined for Jack's affections. It wasn't long before my father had got to Rita's...'

"Okay, Rita. Where's my daughter?" John demanded

"She's at school, John. Not that you care. If she wants to live here, she can. Not like you or my sister want her." Rita said

"She is coming home with me as soon as she gets back." John said

"Don't force her, John. She'll only come back here." Rita said

'I was sitting on the front steps of the school, looking down at my feet, when I heard someone clearing their throat..'

"Moira, what's up?" He said

"Jack... Hi. What are you doing here? Don't you have a track meet?" I asked, blushing lightly

"I saw you looked kind of upset I thought I'd try to cheer you up." Jack said, placing his jacket over my shoulders

"My parents think of me as the mistake, whereas they think of Seth as the golden child. They said they only wanted one child. Late last night I ran to my aunt's and I want to live with her. She's the only relative who doesn't hate me." I said

"Well, you're happy staying with your aunt right?" Jack asked

"Yeah, it gives me a chance to know her. My mom never invited her to family gatherings and they cut her out of their wedding pictures, but I kept the clippings." I said

"Hey, Mistake. See you at home." Seth said, pulling my hair

"Ow! You don't have to be such an ass, Seth. Don't treat me like I'm not important." I called my voice breaking

"Hey, that's not cool, Seth." Jack said pulling him back by the collar of his shirt

"Just because Mom and Dad are jerks, doesn't mean you have to be. I want to fit in with our family, how can I when the three of you shut me out and treat me like I don't matter?" I asked

"It's not my fault you were born. That's all on you little miss mistake." Seth said walking away

"You know what, screw you, Mom and Dad. You can all go burn in hell for all I care." I called off angrily after him

"Whoa." Jack said

"Jack, I'm sorry you had to hear that." I said

'It was then that Rita pulled up in a weird looking space craft, and she gestures me to get in...'

"Moira, get in. We have to go." Rita said

"Jack, could you let my teachers know that I came down with a stomach virus, so my aunt had to get me?" I said

"Yeah, go." Jack said

"You truly are my hero, Jack." I said, quickly kissing him on the cheek as I ran toward the craft

'I had sat in, next to Rita as she started up the space craft...'

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