Chapter Two Inter-Dimensional Runaways

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"Rita, where are we going?" I asked

"I had to get you away, Moira. Your father came by earlier this morning to take you back." Rita said "

He did? That's just like him. I would rather stay with you in any dimension or God knows where else than go back to living with them." I said

"You don't deserve that kind of life, Moira. I'm sorry you had to spend sixteen years of your life with those monsters. If I knew how badly they were treating you, I would have had you taken away from them." Rita said

"Listen, I'd rather live with you than with them, the truth is they were gonna either have me aborted or they would have put me up for adoption. Do you know what it's like to not be wanted by your own family?" I asked

"I don't, but your mom does. Your grandparents favored me over her, and she was jealous that she never got attention." Rita said

"Uh, Rita, do you know how fast you have to go to avoid a wormhole?" I asked

"Faster than Lightspeed, that's for sure, why do you ask?" Rita asked

"Look on my side of the hover ship, because we're heading into one!" I said

"Don't panic, Moira. We'll get out of this. I'll put this into Hyperspeed. Hang on and strap yourself in, Moira." Rita said,

'I had attempted to strap myself in when I bump my back against the door, I find myself dangling outside the ship, clutching into the door...'

"Moira?" Rita asked

"Rita, I'm down here! Pull me up." I said

'Not long after, a man with a lab coat and spiky light blue hair and a young boy with brown hair had appeared..'

"We're almost there, Morty. Just a few more portal blasts and we should be home." The older man said

"Rick, there are a couple of girls being sucked into a wormhole down there. W-w-we have to help them, Rick. They look like they're in trouble." Morty said

"I'm sure they'll be fine, Morty. We have to get back before your parents wake up." Rick said

"We have to help those girls. One of them's just dangling outside their ship, hanging onto the door. They could die, Rick." Morty said

"Look, Morty, not every pair of girls are labeled damsels in distress-- Whoa, look at the rack on that one, Morty. We definitely have to help them. Hang on, Morty." Rick said, punching the hyperactive speed, and a grappling hook emerging and grasping to the front of the hover ship and the four of us flew through a portal, falling into a jungle

"You ladies okay?" Rick asked

"Moira?" Rita called

"I'm over here!" I said waving, Rick runs over pulling me to my feet

"You took quite a fall." Rick said

"You try dangling from the door of a hover ship and see how long you can hold on." I said

"If it weren't for me, the two of you would be torn to pieces inside that wormhole. So, I'm Rick Sanchez. That's my grandson, Morty Smith." Rick said, wrapping his arm around my waist

"Moira Sinclair, that's my aunt, Rita Santori." I said, gently removing Rick's arm from my waist

"Rick, she needs her space. Give her some room." Morty said, shoving Rick to the opposite side of the jungle.

"Rita, how's the ship?" I asked, moving toward her

"Dammit! It's busted, Moira." Rita said

"Do you mean to tell me that we're stranded here? We have to get back, Rita." I said

"Wait, Moira. Rick's a genius scientist, maybe he could help us." Rita said

"You can stop staring at me anytime now, Rick." I said, angrily glaring at him

"Damn, you're so cute when you get angry." Rick said

"Back up, Sanchez." I said, shoving him

"That's my kind of woman." Rick said falling to the ground

"Morty, is your grandfather always this uncomfortably creepy?" I asked

"It's hard to explain, Moira. He's usually like this when he's attracted to someone.." Morty said

"Do you mean to say that he's romantically attracted to me? That's gross. He's 50 some odd years older than I am." I said

'Hours later, we had set up camp near the hover ship, while the boys stay on one side of the jungle and we were on the other, and I knew of Rick's unhealthy creepy obsession with me was just the beginning. I didn't know what would happen next...'

Rita and MoiraUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum