Chapter 6- Waking & Escaping

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Blake's Pov

 I felt cold metal on my hot skin as I came back into my senses, my eye lids covered my brown orbs from seeing anything. Wanting to bend my sore muscles I pulled my leg up so that it was bent but it didn't move as I wanted it to, I forced the skin of my eye lids to open and I was met with a bright light above my head making me turn my face away from the light and blink away the dark spots out of my line of sight, once most of it disappeared I turned my head back to see that I was in a grey room with water stained walls and moldy corners, I cringed at the sight. The more I turned my head the more the sound of the clanking of metal filled my ears, I lifted my head to see my wrist cuffed together above my head and then my eyes traveled down my body to see my ankle was chained to the iron of the bed post as well.

' Where the hell am I?', my subconscious asked and I mentally shrugged not knowing myself. All my memory gave was going back to the store in the rain and now I'm chained to a bed like some time of creepy adult movie. I heard the sound of a bolted lock being opened and I turned my head to the left automatically narrowing my eyes at the figure I saw standing in the light. It was the boy from the store with the sunglasses, he came towards the bed and sat on the edge near my leg that was chained.

" Hello Blake.", his husky deep voice said and I cringed at the thought of me thinking that was hot. I stared at him.

" How do you know my name?", I asked in a stern tone but it came out faltered for my throat was extremely dry. He smirked at me and put his hand on my leg, I flinched from his touch but he made his grip harder moving up to my thigh; I kicked my leg out to get him to loose his grip but it just tighten and I cringed as he squeezed my muscles in my leg.

" I know a lot of things, sweet heart.", he said and his green eyes watched me and then moved down to where his hand was, he smirked evilly getting up from the bed. I watched his every move as he walked around the bed to a little drawer that I didn't notice was there pulling out a set of keys, making me feel a tiny set of relief in my body but it disappeared just as shortly as it had came. He put his knee on my ankle that wasn't tied down by a chain and grabbed the other putting the key in to the lock twisting and shaking it till it unlocked and released my ankle; he then straddled my body leaning over my head to unlock my ankles, as he leaned over me I was able to see into his shirt and I saw tattoos of birds on his defined chest and something else further down his torso that I couldn't make out. As I heard the click of the chains my arms fell limply by my head and I sighed in relief, the blood was started to loose circulation causing my arms to start to feel numb; he threw the keys on the dresser and they clanked loudly throughout the room, I looked up at him seeing he was still leaning over my body, I looked at him and then at my body then back at him.

" Mind getting the fuck off.", I said and he chuckled. Darkly.

" You have a mouth on you sweet heart, better watch it."

" Obviously I have a mouth, I'm fucking human aren't I. Get the fuck off of me!!", I yelled and put my hands on his shoulders going to push him off but he didn't budge. His strength overpowered mine.

" You obviously don't know what I could do to you if you try to pull anything do you?", he questioned and I was about to say something when I felt him grab both my wrist in his hand and move his other hand towards my pants.

" W-Wait, What are y-you d-doing, Stop!", I yelled as he unbutton my jeans and tried to put his hand further down the front to my privates. I kept thrashing around preventing him from going any further and he put more of his weight on my legs as he put his hands through the front and down my underwear. I tried to move from under him, grunting in the process and yelping as I felt his cool flesh touch my entrance and I screamed for help hoping someone would hear my cries as they echoed through the room. He pushed his finger through my entrance and I froze gasping in pain as it started to burn and feel numb from being forcedly stretched by his cool finger. He pushed it as far as it could go and I screamed shaking my head from side to side as he started to thrust his finger in and out.

" Your extremely tight, sweet heart, don't get enough action in your life?", he questioned and I gather saliva in my mouth shooting it out of my mouth so it landed on his face. He removed his hands from my vagina and I cringed as he pulled it out fast, wiping the spit from his face he brought his hand back and slapped me across the face, making my head snap to the right. A gasp fell for my lips as I clenched my jaw, when I moved my eyes back to him I glared at him and he glared back.

" Don't ever do that again, or else something else is going to go through your vagina and it won't be my fucking finger.", he threaten and I continued to glare at him. His weight started to decrease on my body and right he was sitting back up I pushed him over the other end of the bed and got off the bed. Just as he was standing up and ran out the room, I turned the corner and ran past several closed doors touching each one to see they were already locked. I turned the corner again seeing stairs and I bolted for them skipping a few on the way down almost falling but I kept going, I heard the pounding of his feet as he chased me. I was looking around the hallway and found a door right across the hall from the stairs, I ran to it and grabbed the knob twisting it to see if it would open and when it did I closed it right behind me and locked it. When I turned around I saw I was in a bedroom with a king size bed covered with black sheets and was covered with carpet on the floor, my eyes moved to a window and I ran towards it grabbing the edges of the window I pulled up but it didn't move it was locked. I looked around the room for another escape but I didn't find anything my breathing was starting to become fast as panic set into my body. I looked on top of the bed and saw a white tee shirt on the bed, I grabbed it and wrapped it around my hand walking up to the window I made sure it was tight. Pulling my hand back my arm back and sent it with full strength into the glass of the window making it crack, smirking at myself I punched it again and my fist went through it I moved my hand around the glass to break extra pieces and removed the shirt that was stained with red from glass going through the fabric and into my hand. Right as I grabbed the ledge of the window to pull myself up. The door was pounded upon by him.

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