Chapter 12- Numbing Black Outs

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Blake's Pov

 Everything was mute, I felt like I was numb in my face it was like my world was suddenly noise free. Everything moved in slow motion as I blinked looking around for any sense of recognition but all I saw was silhouette's that weren't clear to my eyes. As my eyes started to adjust sound came back to me and everything was loud all over again, I heard sirens and the slapping of feet against the cold pavement as people ran on and to which I was laying on; my eyes looked to the sky and I saw I was between two buildings in an alley way, everything came back to me and I turned my neck to see Harry just getting up holding his ear. The gun momentarily deafen us when we fought for it, either of our fingers must of grazed the sensitive trigger but I don't think the bullet hit us but it gave me an annoying ringing in my ear once all the noise came back and all the objects before my eyes were no longer silhouette's but clear images.

" You dumb bitch.", I heard Harry's raspy voice sneer as he stood up over me. I grabbed on to the wall close to my body and pulled myself to my feet weakly, my knees buckled under me and I made my grip tighter on the scum covered bricks. I looked at Harry who had an angry expression on his face as I looked at him then my gazed moved to my bag on the floor with my clothes coming out of my bag. I walked towards it, limping, I fell to my knees and picking up my clothes and zipping the bag up; I felt Harry's gaze on me the whole time burning holes into my back. I turned to look at him and I swiped my lip feeling blood slid down to my chin.

" You know you cause a lot of shit right?", he questioned and my face scrunched up in disgust and confusion.

" Me?!", I exclaimed pointing to myself with my hands. I looked at him as if he was stupid and was morphed into some type of creature.

" Yes you! If you didn't run away my plans wouldn't be all fucked up now!", he shouted and I rolled my eyes throwing my hands out in frustration.

" Oh, I'm so sorry for fucking up your plans to kill someone. You act like you can't kill someone tomorrow or the next day.", I said sarcastically and  with a dark cold chuckle.

" I could kill you.", he seethed and I laughed stalking toward him. My uggs splashing in dirty puddles as I walked up to where the gun fell. I spun the cylinder of the gun hearing it tick  as it turned, once it clicked in place I pulled the lever taking the safety off and grabbed Harry's hand putting the gun to my head and forcing him to hold the gun to my chest.

" Go ahead, shoot me kill me.", I said staring him dead in the eye and he stared into mine. His eyes held hate and anger and I raised an eye brow.

" That's what I thought, your to pussy to shoot me.", I said and I turned my back on him. Picking up the handles of the bag I hauled it over my shoulder just as I was about to open my mouth to say something a shot ran through the air deafening me again but the bullet grazed my face causing my skin to burn from the speed of the bullet as it flew through the air.  I grabbed my face feeling blood slip down my face and through the spaces of my hand, I hissed in pain as Harry grabbed my face roughly pushing me against the wall. My bag fell from my grasp and on to the floor Harry put the ball of his palm into my neck, choking me.

" I have zero tolerance for your bullshit and your causing a lot of it!", he yelled in my face and I flinched as he smacked the back of my head on the brick wall which I was pressed upon. I slumped to the ground, as I swallowed saliva in my mouth I tasted the metallic taste of blood and I coughed it up causing it to drip down my mouth.  His rough big hands grab my wrist picking me up and pulling me with him, I manage to grab my bag I had and drag it behind me; I heard the screeching of tires and the black SUV pulled up to the entrance of the alley, I tried to pull away from Harry but he tighten his grip tenfold and I felt my bones of my wrist shift making me wince. I heard the door open and I looked up to see a girl with dark brown curly hair in a gelled back pony tail with her arms crossed over her leather jacket covered chest. She wore dark eye make up, ripped high waist jeans and sneaker wedges.

( A/N : Anna's Outfit: )

" Shawn got the target.", she said. Her voice was rough but wasn't deep like a man, she had a rough look to her. She looked at me and then at Harry.

" This is the train girl?", she asked and Harry nodded curtly which she did too going around the car to the drivers side and opened the door. Harry opened the door for the back and pulled me in behind him, he leaned over me slamming the door shut and then relaxing back into the leather seats of the SUV; my vision started to go in and out I had to repeatedly blink to keep me from passing out, as I opened my eyes from yet another blink I saw blood on my thigh and then watch as another drop of blood fell coming in contact with my skin. I raised my hands to my face and found blood coming out of my cheek from the graze of the bullet, I pulled the sleeve of the sweater over my fingers and held it to my cheeks. The car drove at great speed once it hit the bridge turning to go down the ramp sharply making me slide into Harry getting blood on his shirt. I quickly got off of him but ended up grabbing my head in pain as it started to throb. We suddenly came to a stop and I manage to not hit the window from the jerk of the car, I put my blood stained hand on the handle of the door and pulled it, hearing the door open I grabbed my bag and slid down from my seat to the pavement and slammed the door close. I dragged the bag behind me and followed Harry and the girl to the house and up the steps slowly. The ground beneath me felt as if it was shifting and I kept tripping over my own feet,  I finally made it in the door and it was closed behind me by Harry; I walked into the game room to see the girl slip off her jacket showing off a tattoo on her shoulder that said S.O.E 2/3/12 in script.  She turned to look at me and once she saw my appearance she rushed to my side throwing my arm over her shoulder to keep me from falling to the floor.

" Harry, this girl looks like she's going to die what the fuck!", she exclaimed and my legs gave out just in time as we reached the couch. She knelt on her knees and lifted up the sweater and a gasp fell from her lips.


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