The Fun Plain ride!

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As I listen to the pounding music of Korn all I can think is "What's next? And what are they planning?" I mean all they are doing is watching tv and acting like the usual idiots that they are. I adjust my pillow and close my eyes to the sweet sound of Coming Undone.


I wait until I feel her start to lean onto my arm when I make my move. I decided I would start off with the cliché. Fake eyebrows, mustache and of course don't forget the freckles. "Hmmph" I smirk to myself. That will teach you brat.

I turn back to my seat and lean her head back against my shoulder like nothing has ever changed. Yah...Right. I turn back to my show American Horror Story. Who knew that it was actually a good show? I always see Salina watching it so I thought I would give it a try..Ha! Yah right it was the only thing that my sis brought to watch on her laptop. 

I zone out to the show and the dramatics of it. Thirty minutes go by and I'm at the part where he drags her to the bath tube when I hear a large thump. I completely ignore it when finally I can't handle it anymore. I have to look up. Its just Corey and it seems that he may be pranking Salina. I turn my show of for now and secretly tune in to watch what he plans to do to Salina.

 Corey takes off Lins shoe off and put peaches and whip cream and puts it back on. Huh, I guess that's why he bought peaches and whip cream at the market.I knew he hated peaches so I wondered what he was doing, but now it makes sense.

You may think we are going overboard but we do these things all of the time except she gets us back ten times worse so why do we keep doing it?

 Because its so much fun.

Yes we do get payback but we have to enjoy what time we have left of being a kid. So  Dang  it I will enjoy being with my family even if I end up getting itching powder in bed tomorrow. But you can't help but not love our baby sister. 

That and she isss are only little sister in the family so we have to give her extra pranks for the fun of it.

I fall out of my trance when Salina starts to move around. So I quickly plug my headphones back in and turn back in 15 minutes back though. I cant miss a thing. I see Lucas fake sleeping and know that this is going to be good.

I see her sit up and stretch her arms towards the sky. Actually nevermind we are in the sky. Towards the sun I guess. And then she gets up.  Here it comes.

What the hell! who did this?", She  turns and looks at me with a accusing stare. Oh shit. I watch as she takes her shoes off throws the peaches at me and stomps toward the bathroom.

Well shit.  She screams  "I'm so going to kill you guys when we land!" everyone and turns and stares at he monstrosity that is our sister. 

She turns and looks me straight in the eyes "I know that you did this Nathan!" and she slams the door.

I think it took her awhile to clean out her shoes but since she threw the peaches at me probably would have taken more time. So being the kind brother I am I order food from the flight attandent.


Ha they think that they got me good but what they don't know was the flight attandent is a second cousin.

So I was going to have her put something nasty in  their food. That should teach them.

As I walked out I saw that Lenny was bringing their food but Damion was asleep so I took a  marker out of Nathans bag and drew on his face. Take that! Doesn't fill so good on the other end does it buddy?

I'm a douche and we all know it!

Ha that should teach him a lesson he did the exact same thing to me except It was I'm a dipshit and I know it! :(

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