Chapter 18- Cousins?!?!?

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!!!!!!I DON'T OWN FANART!!!!!!
(A/N) Hhheeeeyyyyy guys, back with a new chapter, I'm going to try to be more consistent with my books. So you won't have to wait sooooo looonngggg.
Sorry for my laziness.
Anyway let's get on with the chapter

Weapons clashed against each other, as the sounds of steel and wood echoed through the lair. Sweat dripping from the opponents in the dojo, grunts and yelps escaping pass the youngsters lips. Powerful punches and kicks colliding with skin, leaving harsh bruises illuminating memories for the future.
The room, hot and humid from the warm bodies exhausting heat.
We all look towards our father, he did not seem pleased at all with our efforts.
"Leonardo, Raphael, May I speak with you too,in private,"
"Hai Sensei," they bowed in unison.
The old rat walked away to his dark room only being lit up with decrepit candles, closing the door after his young pupils followed and obeyed his orders. Master Splinter sat down on a mat as did Leo and Raph. There was silence in the room.
"You to seemed highly distracted today, why?"
"I'm sorry father," Leo bowed he's head.
"Leonardo that is not an answer,"
"Well....I can't speak for Raph but, there's just this girl-," he was interrupted by his father's chuckling.
"Aaahhhhh I see my boy has fallen in love, and you Raphael,"
"Ummmm wwweeeelllllll, I also met this girl,"
"Hmmm my two boys are growing up, but you MUST be carful, love can be a very dangerous thing, it blinds you and changes your perspective of things, please my sons do not let your guard down,"
"Hai," the bowed.
"You are dismissed,"
"Thank you Sensei," they both said in unison and walked out respectfully.
"Ssssoooooooooo what happened," you said poking their sides.
"Oh you know, the usual, got some wise words from the Great Old Rat," Raph teased.
"Raph just because Sensei isn't here doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful towards him, he's are father," Leo corrected.
"Whatever you say Splinter Junior," he said brushing off his nagging older brother.
"Hey guys, you wanna watch a movie?" Mikey suggested.
"Whatcha got Mikester?" Donnie leaned on Mikey's shoulder.
"*gasp* oh my god I hear that movie's dope af," You fangirled.
"Oh meh gerd yyyaaaassss," Leo goofed.
"Sure why not," Raph shrugged.

*Sitting On The Couch, HalfWay Through The Movie*

"Damn this is a pretty good movie," Raph said taking a sip of beer.
"Raph, what's that," you asked.
"You can't drink that,"
"I'm 18,leave me alone,"
"Well Leo's 21 and you don't see him drinking,"
"Ya well Leo's weak,"
"Fuck off Raph," Leo said from the recliner.
"Donnie in 2 years when you're 18 are you gonna drink?" You asked.
"Maybe I'll have a sip,"
"HA, you'd choke," Raph laughed.
"Shut up," Donnie sank in his seat.
"I'm 14," Mikey said out of nowhere.
"That's great Mike," you giggled.
"Sshhhh I'm trying to listen," Leo hushed.

*Movie Ends*

"That...Was...AWESOME!!!!" You shouted.
"Omg I could watch that a million times," Mikey awed.
"Mikey you watch every movie a million times," Donnie said in a mono-toned voice.
"Hey....movies are good,"
"Hey guys Gissell just texted me, her and Gab are at the manhole cover," Raph said still looking at he's phone.
"Welp let's go get them, I'll get the blindfolds," Leo said getting up.
"I'll get the dildos," Mikey said.
Everyone looked at him in silence.
"*nervous laugh* to much,"
"Yes......yes it was," You rolled you eyes.

*At The Manhole*
(Gabriella's P.O.V)

"Hey guys, how are you," I asked with a big smile on my face.
"Good, you" Leo smiled back.
"We're just dandy," Gissell sassed.
Raph giggled.
"Was that a little school girl giggle I heard from you tough guy," Gissell teased.
"*clears throat* nah mama I'm a man," Raph said deepening is voice dramatically.
"Ya ssuurrreeee, and mama???"
"Ya you look Hispanic sooooo,"
"Lol, ya I am,"
"Ooooooo, where you from," Leo wiggled he's eyebrows.
"*small laugh* Well I was born here but my parents are Mexican,"
"BRUH, I lllooovvveeee your tacos," Raph teased.
"HA HA, you're very funny,"
Raph just smirked
"Welp you guys know the drill," Leo gesture.
"Uuugghh yup," I said annoyed.
The guys blindfolded us and took us to the lair.

*At The Lair*
(Gissell's P.O.V)

"Hey hey hey," I shouted.
"Hhheeeyyyy guys, what's up," (y/n) asked, giving me and Gab high-fives.
"Nothin' much, you"
"I'm ballin' bruh,"
"Oh my god," Raph rolled his eyes.
We all sat down on the couch, Donnie and Mikey soon joined us, we all chattered away and just relaxed.
"Hey Mikey, Donnie," I said getting their full attention.
"Wassup girl," Mikey threw a deuce.
"Ya," Donnie said.
"Ok sooooo me and Gab were thinking that you two should TOTALLY meet our cousins,"
"Why?" Donnie questioned.
"Because you guys would get along ssooo well, and they're looking for guys too," Gab filled in.
"Won't they freak out," Mikey asked.
"Nah they'll be fine,"I reassured.
"Yyoouuuu sure," (y/n) said suspiciously.
"Yup we promise," Gab added.
"Ok well let's see them," Donnie sat up.
"Ok so here's Emma (im_broken_one)," Gabriella showed her cousin to Donnie.
"Aannnddd here's Casey (FNAFxTMNT5)," I showed Mikey her cousin.
"Ooooooo she's cute," Donnie awed.
"Wow girl be looking fffiinnneeee, but her name is Casey," Mikey asked.
"We have a friend named Casey, Casey Jones,"
"Well just don't confuse them😂😂😂," Gissell laughed.
"So when can we met them," Donnie questioned.
"Wwweeeelllllll Halloween is coming up, and there's going to be a party, they're gonna go, and you guys would fit in because people will think your wearing a costume, it's perfect," Gab said excitedly.
"Can we Leo, pppwwweeeaaassseeeee," Mikey gave him puppy dog eyes.
"*sigh* ookkaaayyyy, but we're all going,"
"YES," Mikey cheered.
Everyone laughed at Mikey's excitement.

(A/N) Hey guys, hope you enjoyed and I will see you all later.
Have a wonderful Day/Night
Bbbaaaaiiiii xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo ❣💋❣💋❣💋❣💋❣

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