Chapter Nineteen: Maxwell

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This town had been flipped upside down since the arrival of that Odette girl. It was as if my eyes were opening to things that had happened before. I knew Hook was a bad guy, but I didn't know he was something different. I didn't know he could be evil.

Peter hadn't told me many things. He had told me how he took Wendy to Neverland, but something took her and her brothers from him. Peter never told me that it was Hook who had stolen her and her brothers. He never told me that her last name was Grimm, and not Darling.

I had done some research on Hook. I had a spellbook that told the truth about every person in this town. It had secrets like Aurora's addiction to narcotics and Belle's furry fetish. It had everything, including dirt on Mayor Hook himself, the man who was once called Captain.

Apparently, Hook murdered two people by the names of Matthew and Johanna Grimm. He had taken three of the children, and two twins vanished, their names unknown. I think it's purely coincidental that they have the same last name as me. I mean, afterall, I saw my Father die. I'm the one who stopped his merciless abuse by placing a knife through his chest.

The three children he took all had names, very familiar names I might add. The kids were none other than Wendy, John, and Michael.

It all made sense now. That's why Peter was determined to get Wendy away from Hook. He had taken everything from her, her parents, her life, two of her siblings, everything. Why had Hook taken Wendy, John, and Michael but not the missing twins? Maybe he killed them.

Hook wasn't what he seemed. This entire town praised him as a hero. He got rid of many of the villains of this town. He almost got rid of Peter and me. He threw most of the villains into a prison that nobody knows the location of.

He was ruining this town. My ancestors created this town to protect the storybook characters. I see now, Hook's ruining it. Maybe he's the one everyone should fear, not me. True, I've given them more reason to fear me, but so has Hook. They just don't know it yet.

I hurried into Peter's room. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands. When I walked in, he groaned.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

"Hook took them," I stated, "Did you know?"

Peter sighed, "Yes, I did. I knew it was him from the very start."

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you."

"Because, you weren't supposed to know," Peter replied.

I lifted an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Max, I've lived for hundreds of years, the Grimm family have been my friends since the very beginning. I know more than you would ever know."

He stopped. I crossed my arms, "Tell me."

"It's not my place-"

"Like Hell it isn't," I replied, "You're my best friend, friends don't keep secrets from friends. Tell me."

Peter sighed, "The Grimm family started it's true nature back in the days of the twin Brothers Grimm. They started the family into its true nature of magic. They created the books."

"Unfortunately, to make one good book and one bad book, they had to sell their souls, in a sense. Jacob became the embodiment of evil, while Wilhelm became the exact opposite. The Brother's clashed. Wilhelm placed a blessing on the family, to prevent anymore twins. He knew that, if more Grimm twins were born, the same fate would befall them as Jacob and Wilhelm."

"Unfortunately, Jacob knew it to. He placed a countercurse, one that stated that more twins would be born eventually."

"What's your point with this?" I asked.

"My point is, you're a twin. I don't know who the other twin is, I just followed you."

My eyes widened, "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"Because, I promised your Mother," Peter sighed, "I promised her that I would only tell you when the time is right. I also promised her that I would keep you safe."

I was silent. Peter kept his head in his hands. When one of us spoke, it was Peter.

"I'm who killed your real parents, but I know that the wretched man you went to wasn't your real Father. His last name wasn't even Grimm. It was Jafar."

I sat next to PEter and sighed. He copied me. We both stared at the wall in resignation.

"Wait," I frowned, "How does Hook come into this?"

"He comes into this because I knew you had three younger siblings," Peter continued, "I don't know their names, they vanished before I could meet them. But, they should be the same age as Wendy, John, and Michael."

"You mean..."

Peter nodded, "Yup, I think Hook killed your parents and kidnapped your younger siblings."

I couldn't see that happening. It wasn't right, none of this was. True, John and I looked similar. We had the same hair and eyes. But, they couldn't be related to me.

Although, their last name was Grimm.

"How come they don't know?" I asked, "Wendy had to be around ten or twelve when he took them."

"Mind wiping spell, I guess. Hook has this entire town at his beck and call."

I rubbed my temples, "You're right, he does, and that'll be our downfall. If Hook truly is the real villain in this story, we have to stop him."

Peter lifted an eyebrow at me, "But, Max, we're the bad guys."

"I know, but, maybe we can be good, just this once," I frowned, "Just long enough to take Hook down. Afterall, we might be the only ones who can."

"You're right. We need to take Hook down, and save those kids."

I scratched the back of my neck, "But, we'll need the other spellbook. It's here somewhere, and, if Hook gets his hands on it, we'll surely fail."

"I thought you couldn't do any spells in there, except the one missing page."

"I can't," I frowned, "But, I know someone who can."

Peter's eyes widened, "You don't mean?"

"Yeah, we need Odette's help. If we come together, maybe we can take Hook down before he destroys everything my family's worked on."

I have a long list of things I don't like. The majority of people on this town were on that list. But, there were two things that weren't. Peter and my family. My family have worked for hundreds of years on making this town a safe haven for all those who belong in stories. I may be the first villain born to a family of heroes, but I know when I need to fight for what's right. This happens to be one of those times. There was no way I was letting Hook destroy this town, and, eventually, the entire world.

"How do we get her to help us?" Peter asked, "We've showed her enough evidence that we're bad to where she would never join us."

I shrugged, "I don't know."

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