A new beggining

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Josh and Tyler slept together that night embracing each other more than ever before and woke up to a hot humid room but neither of them noticed that they were sweating, they missed each other so much.

"Josh?" Tyler asked


"What about the wedding? It's tomorrow." Tyler said with a slight hint of sadness in his voice, Josh then reached the rings box and got down on one knee.

"Let's get married tomorrow." Josh said jokingly and Tyler went in for a warm hug that lasted a while.

Tyler felt the tears falling from his face leaving a puddle on Josh's shirt.

"I love you so much" Tyler whispered to Josh and kissed his cheek

They both decided not to go to bachelor parties and instead spend the day together, holding hands, going out to lunch, and they had their own steamy party. The wedding was 18 hours away.

Tyler looked at Josh with his face covered in a chocolate milk shake, laughed then wiped it off.

They held hands and fell asleep for a while on the park bench only to wake up at 6 am in the morning and rush home.

"I got the shampoo and conditioner!" Josh screamed

"I got the suitcases! Josh open the damn trunk!"

And with that they left in separate cars and arrived at there hotel.

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