TO Being Left Behind

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To those who are afraid,

    My greatest fear is that I'll be forgotten or left behind. I don't mean after I'm dead because, well that is inevitable. I'm not special like Rosa Parks or our Founding Fathers or let's be real Taylor Swift. I'm not leaving anything after I'm gone for people to remember me by. NO I mean like in the here and now. Being forgotten by the people I care about, that they will keep on moving while I'm, stuck. Because I know I need them all so much more than they need me. So if anyone is going to get left it'll be me. I don't think I could handle that. So I'm totally and irrevocably afraid that I'll be forgotten. Like I said, I'm not special, I'm not that pretty, and I definitely don't have a personality that people fall in love with or remember. I am so completely average, that I think, being forgotten is the only thing that will happen. Like if I just left randomly I can count on two hands the number of people who would notice, and one of those hands is people I live with. How do you change that about yourself? How do you become someone to be remembered? Because I don't want to be forgotten. I want people to notice when I'm not around. I want to know that I am cared about. So tell me, how do you get to be that person?


                        -The one being forgotten.

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