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To the unflinching believers,  

              Honestly, I've never given much thought to what is out there beyond what I think I know.

One day I was asked what I believed in, and I didn't have an answer because honestly, I'm not sure. I don't think I believe in fate or destiny, of a higher power. Because there's really no proof that any of those things exist.  So, if forced, gun to my head, I think I would say.  I believe in people and words and actions and music. The existence of souls. Things like Fate and Destiny are just words that people created to explain the unexplainable and if you think about it so is a higher power. So if there is one thing I believe in, it's the  unexplainable. The soul within. BUT more importantly people. People, they create the words and the music and the actions that make life worth living. Words are powerful and can hold so much over anyone I mean look at Fate and Destiny. They’re words that people put everything into. "It is my destiny to do this." "It's fate that we met." I believe that people are capable of doing incredible things. Both good and bad. People can make the bad good and the good bad. It's all about perspective and what You believe.

 Fate- a noun

1. the will or principle or determining cause by which things, in general, are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do

2. a: an and often adverse outcome, condition, or end

     b: especially

3. a: final outcome

     b: the expected result of normal development      

 c: the that befall someone or something

4.  Fates plural: the three goddesses, Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis, who determine the course of human life in classical mythology 

Destiny- a noun 

1: something to which a person or thing is

2: a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency 

They are powerful words and hold so much power over people, I believe in words and the power they hold

Actions, however, they say speak louder than words, but I think they just show more about the person's soul than words can. Actions show what we can't say. I believe in actions 

Music, music is what we use when the words and actions fail. They speak to the soul on a level that the others just can't reach. a good beat can have the ability to move people to tears, to laughter, it reminds us about things we've forgotten and it gives us the ability to see into a stranger and hear and know exactly how they feel, what they felt. What they fear. What they need. Of you listen. I believe in music. 

Souls though, I believe everything has a soul, but I don't think I believe in one soul has only one other match, Soulmates, I think there is more than one person for us and that we have the ability to chose. I believe that we need certain souls in our lives when our souls are going through something (if that makes any sense). So I believe in souls 

People have the uncanny ability to create and heal and grow and change in such short periods of time that I believe that the driving factor of that is our souls. 

So I guess the point of all this is how? 

How can you believe in something you can't explain? How can you put faith into something that's not there?

How do, so, so, many people believe in things like fate and destiny and the fucking universe talking to them? 

When its just chance and people creating something from nothing other than words and actions. 

-- A skeptical believer

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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