Broken home yall!!

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Yall I heard broken home for the first time today and I'm literally bawling my eyes out!!😭😭😭 No child should ever have to go through what Ashton and Michael did! EVER!!!! I know everyone has personal issues and some are worse than other but no child should go without their dad or mom. It's completely uncalled for!!😭😭😭 If y'all ever Need anyone to talk to please without any hesitation dm me!!! I don't care if its 3 in the morning on a school night please just come to me!!! I know what it feels like kinda!!! I didn't really have my dad for 2 years due to him having melanoma cancer and it's horrible yall!!! Just think about what Ash and Mikey have to go through!!! They still don't have a relationship with their dad(maybe Mikey idrk) but I got mine back after he beat cancer!! Yall please just don't judge anyone by what they look like or how they act because they can be going through so much at this moment or in their lifetime!!! I love all of you so much and just please come to me for anything!!! I'm so sorry for the rant!!😂😭 I just really needed to get that out of my chest!(: But I love you guys!!💘

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