chapter 28

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Allison pov

After transfiguration the girls and I stay behind in class to ask something about the lesson. Lily immediately asks something difficult where Minnie a whole explanation gives. Between potions and transfiguration the girls and I have been to the kitchens and asked the house elves if we could see the food of lunch. The elves immediately brought us to four tables which were green, blue, yellow and red. Marlene put the potion in the food on the Slytherin table, Alice the food on the Hufflepuf table, Lily the Ravenclaw table and I the Gryffindor table. Soon we will be seeing baby snakes, badgers, eagles and lions. Minnie eventually shoos us away and we follow her to the Great Hall, I really hope everyone has already eaten. I don't get disappointed. Everyone except the teachers has been changed into animals. The teachers are trying to change them back, but they have to stay like that for two full days and there isn't a counter curse. I bite my tongue to not burst into laughter, it is really funny to see all the teachers trying to restore order. When they turn into animals they think like humans and at the moment there are two lion cubs running away from the teachers making them chase after them around the Great Hall. I see that even Lily has it difficult to not to laugh. After a while everyone has calmed down a bit and Sirius and James have blended in the crowd of lions. Professor Dumbledore's orders to take everyone to the common rooms.

"Girls, could you help me to take the lions back to the Gryffindor common room. I would really appreciate it if you would watch them and make sure they won't wander around the castle."

"Of course professor McGonnagal." Says Lily.

With the help of professor McGonnagal we direct the lions out of the Great Hall. Professor McGonnagal stays before everyone, Alice and Marlene are in the middle and Lily and I stay behind to make sure no one stays behind or wanders off. Everything goes according to the plan. Until the fourth floor, two little lions stay behind and try to go away. I nudge Lily to alert her off the two lions and we try to block the way off, but the two lions are really fast and go between our legs and run off. Lily and I glance at each other before chasing after them. I never knew baby lions could run so fast. Finally the lions make a mistake and we can corner them. We approach them and they back away until they are standing to the wall, I can get one, but the other one manages to make an escape. Until I hear a voice.

"Oh no, you don't." Lily says and she picks the cub up.

I laugh, in the meantime my lion is trying to escape. "Oh no, you don't indeed." I hold him closer to me to ensure he won't escape.

"I would hold the cub closer, if he is anything like this one then he will try to escape."

Lily laughs, holds him closer and says:

"He wouldn't dare he is so cute."

"I have to agree they are cute, do you think they are in our year?"

"I don't know seeing we can't recognise them." She says dryly ."We need to get them back to the group. The others will surely ask where we are."

With the lions in our arms we make our way back to the Gryffindor common room. Everyone else had made it back.

"Where were you two?" Demands Marlene.

"Two lions tried to escape and we had to chase them through the castle." Lily says and we put them back to the ground.

"We put all the lions in the dorms. I really hope we didn't put the first years with the seventh years." Alice grins.

"What are we going to do with these two troublemakers?" I ask.

"We can play with them." Says Marlene enthusiastic.

The two lions begins to meow and run in circles around us. We smirk and try to catch them. The two are really clever and smart, we could never hold them for long. After we ran after them for hours we let us fall on the floor by the fire place. The two come carefully closer and lie down with us. It isn't really with us, it is more on us. The two are trotting over our bellies and try to find the best place to lie down. Apparently Lily and I are there favourite, because they make themselves easy on our bellies. I begin to stroke my cub and he purrs loudly. The other lions on Lily's belly begins to growl when my lion purrs.

"Is he jealous?" Asks Alice surprised.

Lily begins to stroke him also, but he keeps glaring and growling at my cub who completely ignores him. Lily's lions bare his teeth and only stops when Lily begins to whisper sweet words and kisses him on the head. After that he calms down and also begins purring.

"It seems this one has taken a liking to you, Lily." I tease her.

She just grins back "Apparently I am not the only one who has a lion after her."

I stuck my tongue out and continue teasing each other. After a while we began to whisper, because the lions fell asleep and we don't want to wake them up. We talked for hours till the house elves brought us some food and the smell of food wakes the lions and begins to eat our food. Alice and Marlene laugh because of our faces, but the house elves simply bring some more food. When we have enough the house elves apparate and take the dishes back to the kitchen. I stroke my lion absently, when I stop it begins to meow craving for attention. I can't do anything else but stroke him again and I follow Lily and whisper also sweet things and give him a kiss on the top of his head. The other lion begins growling again and for some reason in hold the lion close by me and close my arm protective over him. Due to my actions the other one begins to growl harder until Lily calms him down.

"They are actually kind of cute, when they are not growling." Comments Alice.

The rest of us agree whole hearty. It is true, they are really cute but they are also little devils. I never realised we fell asleep in the common room when darkness consumed me.

I wake up because something in my arms begins to wriggle. Immediately the memories of yesterday begin flooding back to me. I have my arms around the cub and my legs are curled up. The cub licks my face and my tiredness goes away. I chuckle and let him go. I had fun yesterday.


hi everyone sorry i didnt answer the comments or updated but i was on a camp where we were camping in tents without any electronica or wifi so i couldnt possibly go on wattpad. i know the song is not in English but in Dutch my motherlanguage but it is a nice song

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