Restless Hours

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Light floods into my room, dancing beautifully on the white-tiled floors. 

"Oh My Gosh", I scream, "I've slept in!". 

 In a great fury, I slip out of bed and silently open the door, my eyes frantically searching for my maids. 

"Excuse me, where are my maids?",  I demand to a blonde guard, his eyes look me up and down expressionlessly.

"Sorry your majesty, but your maids did not think it was appropriate to wake you."

"Need I remind you, that this is the most important day of my life", I shoot back angrily.

Today was the day. The day I went on the report to find out about the thirty-five suitors chosen to compete for my heart. My hopes are high, but a little part of me went downhill. The guard looks tiredly across the corridor

"Madame, I will fetch your maids".

"Hurry up then. I am already late all because -"

"America", someone commands loudly. 

The voice booms in my ear, the echo deafening as it travels around the castle. I gulp, already a bad start. GREAT! There she stands arms crossed. Walking steadily towards me. Her eyes flaring, her mouth forced into a tight smile. All the guards immediately look down at the white-tiled floor as if that was the most intriguing thing in the world. 

"IN", she demands. pointing steadily at the door. 

My eyes glare at the guard accusingly, but he looks past me taking no notice of the sour expression on my face. I walk tentatively, cautious of every step.


"But mum-"

She interrupts with her loud voice. All of a sudden, I feel so small. 

"Young lady", she exclaims."Listen to me, what I saw in the hallway was unacceptable for a princess".


"Do not interrupt", she roars. "America, I understand they are there for services. But what they do for us we could never repay". Her voice is soft but still sounds like a command.

"So I suggest if you want to be in good shape with the people. BE NICE!", she concludes.

"Sorry mum", I say pleadingly. 

"America, I expect to see you in ten minutes. Get ready". Then she walks away and leaves me alone, relief floods into the room that was before filled with tension. 

"Your majesty, very sorry for the inconvenience". A rigid figure comes into view. Anne. Following close behind is Lucy, her eyes glance tiredly at me as she stifles a yawn. Mary is the last to arrive. she gives me a quick smile and stands next to Anne.

"It's okay. Don't do it again, though", I say playfully. 

My maids give quick smiles, then they get to work. Dressing me in a beautiful blue grown, embroidered magically with silver thread. It is heavenly.

I walk down the hall smiling as I pass the palace staff. Stay calm, America. Dad and Mum, both wait patiently for me, although mum's patience has been long gone. She gives me a sigh as I approach.

"You look gorgeous!", Dad says tenderly. 

I kiss him sincerely on the cheek. He leads me outside where the cameras are all set for the selection photoshoot.

"Have fun and remember to be yourself!", he says softly. The last two words were all I took in was 'be yourself'. Every step felt like a burden was put on to me. So many possibilities of heartbreak and love, so many endings. How was I going to do this!

 How was I going to do this!

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Hey, guys!

Did you enjoy the LONG, first chapter? This is just a picture of America from the photo shoot! Enjoy the rest. XOXO

The Selectioner 

The Selection: Princess AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now