Chapter 17

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After school I walked out to find Melanie. When I found her I walked up to her and asked, "Hey, Have you seen Max?"

Melanie replied, "No. Sorry."

I loudly sighed, "I guess he didn't come. Let's go."

Melanie and I walked to the parking lot. As we were walking to the car, Max was standing right by it the car. I ran up and jumped on him.

"Hey babe." Max greeted me wrapping his warm hands around me.

"Hey Baby." I greeted him back. Max leaned towards me for a kiss. Just as our lips were about to meet we heard someone yelling out our names through a megaphone.

I turned around and it was my dad walking towards us. I felt frustrated that my dad was here. "Step away from my beloved daughter Max." My dad yelled out through the megaphone.

"I need to talk to you Max." He said.

I yelled in frustration, "you can't stop us from being with each other!"

my dad laughed and told me, "Relax Sweetheart. I'm not going stop you from being with him." Max and I both had a confused look on our faces.

"I put a lot of thought into this and now I can see more clearly on how much you love my daughter. I thought you would just be one of those guys who will pressure her into doing certain things. But you proved me wrong. If any guy would hear that the girl they like has ran away they wouldn't really do much. But you, you went out searched under ever rock to find her and you fought for my little girl. Any guy that would do that for my little girl is worthy enough to date her." My dad explained to Max.

"So, are you saying I can date your daughter?" Max questioned.

"Absolutely Max." My dad answered.

"Yes!" Max yelled then he lifted me up and spun me around and around. When he put me down we looked deeply into each other's eyes and kissed. I instantly felt like we were lifted up in the air. When we stopped our noses were still touching. At that beautiful moment Max told me something that I would never forget.

He said, "I love you Hope Johnson and I hope from the bottom of my heart that nothing will keep us apart."

The End.

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