In my head

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I was checking out some of the aus making sure everything was fine, there had been some rumors going around about some of them not being very...healthy I guess you could say, since you cant really pinpoint rumors, it was hard to know exactly what was going on, but you could get a pretty good idea. It was when I checked on one of the older aus, when I saw what they were talking about.

There was nothing but dust and ash covering the la d like a blanket, the signs were barley visable, and there was absolutely no signs of life anywhere to be found as I walked through the ghost town, everything was silent and stil

I did not like it.

I kept checking more aus and more and more of them turned up like this, but it seemed as if it were only attacking the minor ones, or the older ones, as if it was waiting for all the backs to be turned in order to not be caught but it never really left a pattern, wicth was scary, you never know wicth one it will attack next.

*a couple of weeks later*

Apon hereing screams from one of the potal windows that I had opened I rush to see wicth au was in trouble, but once I had gotten there it was too late, the dust plumed the air, after looking for survivers and found none, I sat down a while to try and calm down. Once I was calm I started to get back up, but then I was interpreted by some thing pulling me down, I looked to see what looked like to be blue puppet strings I quickly grabed some scissors, and tried to cut them...but they werent cutting. Thats impossible though they were thiner then paper but harder then steel. As the strings started pulling mee up I began to panic. who was this? why were they doing this? the strings got tighter just as I saw face to face with my attacker.

He was a tall black skeleton, wicth looked to be a sans. He had different irises in his red based eyes and a great yellowish smile. "What do you want?" I said coldly to him since it was obvious he was the one who did this

"well isn't that a little rude, not even a hello? Well I guess you cant expect much frome someone you find on the streets" he said calmly, but for some reason he sounded a little....glitched? Like some parts of his words justed bounced slightly but this seemed oddly familiar. "You destroy the aus, kill all the people, tie me up, and you expect me to stop to say hello to you?!"

"Well, its the small things in life that you need to stop for" he said, just shrugging off the whole destroying au killing people and tieing me up thing. "What!? Who are you!? Put me down!" I screamed at him

"Lets start off with the second question because im not going to repeat myself. Hello, my name is error, now, what is yours?" I looked at him. Error? Now thats DEFINITELY familiar. I calmed down as this was going nowhere fast "ink." I said through my teeth

"Ah, ink." He seem to ponder on this for a moment ."now, for putting you down, im afraid I cant do that." He said as he use the strings to go up on the roof, so that we wiere above the dust and fog, "at leasr not until I get some answer from YOU."

" what?"I said honestly confused "what do you mean?"

"I only have 3 questions, then I will put you down"

"Fine." I said coldly, "ask away."

" okay great, now do you remember when you were a kid?"

"WHAT!? What does that have to do with anything? ,"

"Just answer the question. "

" fine. Yes I remember when I was a kid"i said wanting to hurry this up.

"Then do you remember me?" He said, his voice lighten up a little, but it was soft

"what....?" I whispered to my self, but then he pulled out a pair of red glasses and put them on and then thet memories started becoming more vived, he was my frien, he was my best friend, he was..."of corse I remember you. " I said, his face lightened up upon hearing this. And the the strings became looser and looser untill I was able to slip free, if he was anyone eles, I would've attacked, but this was error, I knew him, I knew he wasnt always like this, I knew I could help him

"why are you doing this? You do know you dont have to right?"

"Yes, I do. I have to. Its my job. It the only thing im able to do"

"No its not"

"What do you know!?"he snaped, it, it doesn't seem like he wants to do this.

"Im sorry" I say he seemed to calm down after that. "Your righr I dont know any thing, im sorry, friends?" I put my hand out for him to shake it, but then he pulled mu into a hug. I blushed a little, but returned the hug. To be honest ive always had a small crush on him, buthavent seen him since we were kids, and during this hug all these old feeliings startes flooding back ,'dont let him get in your head, dont let him get in your head' i thouught over and over, then he said in my ear "we never stopped being friends." I was blushing horribly because error usually lets no one even touch him, he hated physical contact and yet here he was, hugging me for what felt like forever, 'dont let him get in your head'. He let go and said, "well,shorty," Before I had time to react he jump off the roof and into the fog, I was shocked, until his strings tightened aroung my legs and he pulled me down, but then he caught me, set me down and before I could do anything kissed me I was surprised at this of course 'dont let him get in you head, dont let him get in your head' the kiss felt amazing, so , of course, I returned the kiss. He then smiled and pulled away, ", see you later" he said and before you could even take a breath of air, he disappeared. 'Don't let him get in your head'

*at home*a

At home I imeadiatly went to my room, locked the door and started to draw. It was only o few seconds later that I realized what I was drawing, the one and only, error

He got in my head.

And I let him.

(Should I make more chapters)

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