At bliss

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Ink looked through his notebook,  and realized that it was filled with, you guessed it, error,  it has been only one and a half months ago when he kissed error, but he was practically desprate to see him, fearing the worst,  he hadnt told anyone about error, there was no one to miss him, no one who knew him, when he disappeared,  no one cared,  no one except for ink. Ink needed an escape somewhere to think, somewhere where he wasnt surrounded by pictures of him, he decided that waterfall seemed to be a good place, not many people were in the fields, and it was beautiful.  

He sat near one one the echo flowers and tapped it by accident when he was trying to sit down by it, 

 " I wish it didnt have to be this way..."

That sinds like *le gasp* ERROR!

Ink was thrilled to finally here his voice again, he tapped it again, and again, and again, the voice soothed him, hopefully this meant that he was still alive,  he kept tapping it, untill it said something different

"Okay, okay thats starting to get a little creepy, the way you keep tapping like crazy.."

This  was the same vioce, and ink was staring at the flower, untill he reakized, that it was coming from behind him, ink turned around to see error,  standing there, he looked sad, but ink didnt care, he ran as dast as he could and tackle-hugged him, almost knocking him to the ground (but fortunately not) ink hugged him tightm and error hesitatedlly hugged him back, ink was so overcome with joy and relief that, he didnt even think, ink pulled errirs head down and kissed him him and before ink realized what he just did, error kissed back, abd they were the for a while,  in each other's embrace, before the pulled away

 "I-i missed you, so much" ink said as he wiped his eyes, he didnt even realize that he was crying, he looked over to see error "why did you leave? Why did you just dissappear"

" I thought you hated me, I knew every one else did, even if they didnt know that it was me, they hated me, they dont get it, no one does..." errors eyes started to tear up

" what? What does no one get? Really, just  explain it to  me, let me understand..." ink was desprate,  he want to know, but he also wanted to make error feel better. 

" no one gets that I have to do this, creating is beutiful, it amazing,  but everything has a limit, and even if it a very high number, it can still be pasted, and overflow, every generation has teo people who contril the balance,  one to create the other to destroy...we don't pick  our jobs,  they are given to us, I dont want to do this, I have to...after the balance was back to normal,  I went back to the antivoid, I hated destroying the aus,and I hated myselg, I thought it would be best if I just disappeared..." they should in silence for a moment and then ink kissed him once more

" dont EVER dissappear again, you hear me?" Error let out a little chuckle before he nodded hid head yes as they started to sit, they there for a moment,  untilk error broke the silence "so...does this mean we're...."he never finished his sentence, but he didnt have to. Ink placed his head on errors shoulder looking at the fields as they sat there. 

" I guess so..." ink replied to the question "...error?"

"Yes? "

" I-i love you..." ink said, finally saying it made ink feel so much better, like he wasnt lying anymore, even though he totally was to everyone else ( :3 )

"I...I love you to, ink" error said, he put his arm around ink as they sat there, no words needed to be spoken, they were sitting there, just enjoying the surroundings, and enjoying each others embrace ink was in bliss both because of getting to see error again, and fir confessing to himself and error,  to not lie anymore, that he was in love with error,  and that error loved him back, ink was just simply, 

At bliss

( hey guys I hope that you guys like the story so far, sorry if you guys have a different story about error, but I respect your opinion and I hope youll resoect mine, also special shotout to my frien catpalgirl (is that your name? Sorry if its not.) Who we had a hilarious conversation in the comments, also I was wondering if you guys wanted a lemon, or just more fluff, and suggestions are welcome oh and yay! Error is back!  So ill try to upload evey other day, because I have to share a tablet with my sis, and plz tell me you opinion in the comments! Id love to hear what youd have to say! See ya in the next chapter! )

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